View Full Version : Citolapram any advice?

18-04-16, 13:58
Hi all. Ok so i have been taking citolapram for almost 7 week.

I started on 10mg for 4 weeks, felt quite good at times but not 100% so when i went back docs she increased it to 20mg.. first week saw an improvement with very few side affects but this week which is now the 13th day at 20mg i feel rubbish. Ache everywhere, no motivation or energy. Feel low and also spaced out. Head feels like cotton wool and kind of light headed and the anxiety is raised again. Just cant get that satisfying breath and need to yawn lots. could it be the increase?? do i need to keep going with this stuff and hopefully will improve?? I am at docs again in 3 weeks so will see how i go till then but getting fed up of this now. Tried Prozac sent me mad. Sertaline made me feel like i am feeling now but i took that for 4 months not improving at all. I have had some improvemet with the citolapram but just now i going down hill agian.
Thanks for reading.

18-04-16, 15:58
Aw this is all normal, when I up it even gives me panic attacks. I have just gone back on it, 3 days aga but am taking 5mg as I am such a wimp,lol. My doctor gave me 20mg pills and told me I'd be well in a fortnight, yer right! ha ha.

18-04-16, 16:07
Thanks karen just needed that reassurance. X