View Full Version : Food and weight issues

18-04-16, 17:07
Hi guys,

I haven't been on here in a while but thought I'd come back and share something which I have been struggling with for a while. I'm concerned about my weight and my relationship with food, ultimately.
I find most things in life very demanding and difficult, as many of you I'm sure will understand.
I had to give up working full time as it was having such an effect on my anxiety, sending me into extreme paranoia, emotional distress and disturbed thoughts. I feel better since leaving the awful work place where I sadly had such a bad time. However, I'm spending most days at home and even when I do go out, this same issue presents itself. I just eat and eat. I have always found that food brings me a happiness, even from a young age, but I was always very slim with a high metabolism.
Since hitting my mid twenties, I've found it very difficult to shift excess weight and lately have been gaining quite a considerable amount, I've had a lot of extreme stress and anxiety in the last year which I've been pacifying with food and "treats" I suppose. I look forward to having chocolate and cake and become sad if I can't have them. It sounds pathetic but I guess it's a kind of addiction.

I have no motivation for exercise, I have always hated it, ever since I was at school. I tried going to the gym, that lasted a few months and I was only really going once or twice a week. I've tried exercise classes but I become too anxious in front of other people. I get ideas in my head of getting fit and doing certain activities, like taking up running for example, but they never actually become a reality. It's so frustrating. I just have no motivation for it, but I don't think the anxiety and stress help that either. I would much rather stay in, listen to music, read a book and eat cake!

I'm a veggie, so I don't eat any meat but we do eat a lot of steamed veg - so I know that's healthy, my downfall is cheese...I know it's ridiculously calorific but I would eat a whole block if I could! Also sweet things as mentioned above. If I have cup of tea, I always have a biscuit with it...I'm also like a child in that I only really like sugary cereals and if I have porridge or something similar I have to put lots of sugar or syrup on it.

I'm scared when I see myself naked, I try to avoid that as much as possible. I avoid mirrors too. I'm so worried I will end up with diabetes or heart disease, I'm only 26. I know it's not too late, but I need to get a grip now or I will just get fatter and fatter. I'm currently a UK size 16, 5'6/5'7 in height but I don't know what I weigh...I think it's around the 13 stone mark. Putting that into a BMI calculator comes up as overweight and heading to obese! If you saw me in the street, I don't think you'd see me as obese. I think because I'm that little bit taller than average that I can carry it off a little better than a shorter person.
I do enjoy walking and I'm fortunate enough to be living in a beautiful part of the country with lots of places to walk nearby with lovely scenery, my partner and I did go on a walk the other weekend, all mainly uphill and although I was somewhat short of breath, it wasn't debilitating and I managed to keep up with him most of the way (he's very fit and healthy!).
Now that the better weather is here, I am hoping to do more walks and I'm considering joining a dance class. I'm anxious about showing myself up in front of other people though.

I just need to get a grip on this overeating and treating myself once, sometimes twice a day. Eating too much chocolate to make myself feel better too.

If anyone has any advice or has been through a similar situation please reply.

18-04-16, 17:36
We all indulge in comfort eating at some time. Even the healthiest and skinniest people you know do it. Don't be too hard on yourself. You don't sound too overweight to me and as you say you do walk so you're fit. The most important thing is not what size clothes you wear or how much you weigh. It's about being healthy and fit.
Chocolate for me is necessary and medicinal!