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View Full Version : Putting your foot in it

18-04-16, 17:09
Does anyone else here have a habit of saying or doing the wrong thing? I know I do as I get a bit forgetful sometimes. Then I completely obsess about it.

Like just now, I've had to email a thank you to a distant family member for some sponsorship money - and being polite at the end I said I hope her and her husband are keeping well.

Then once I sent it, it dawned on me - I've not heard her husband mentioned in conversation for a while. I'm really worried I've forgotten something crucial and will upset her and make the rest of my family frown on me for forgetting something important. It may be that I'm really tired, but totally obsessing now and feel so stupid.

Does anyone else do this?

18-04-16, 17:32
Well I worry about absolutely everything! And if my anxiety level is high it's even worse.....
I actually look for something to worry about if there isn't anything and it could be just like what you've mentioned. Just a silly thing that other people wouldn't waste time thinking about.
It's down to self confidence and anxiety I suppose.

18-04-16, 18:27
I get "dragged" into things like that from time to time. It causes me to ruminate and obsess on whether I said/did the wrong thing and if anyone was offended.

I quickly stopped this by simply stating TO the anxiety, so what? Its done, nothing more I can do. The best thing any anxiety sufferer can say to themselves is this: Whatever happens, HAPPENS, I can't control everything. And then just letting it go at this point, moving on, helps alot.

Easier said than done, thats why it takes practice.

Good luck

19-04-16, 13:31
Thankfully all was well, I don't know why I had cooked this idea up in my head! Just hate the way anxiety works sometimes :(

19-04-16, 13:40
I'm awesome at saying the wrong thing. and I inadvertantly volunteer for things for example someone might tell me about a computer problem they are having I respond politle with a tip next you know I"m tech support and stressed out.

Often I'll say nothing at all just to not "step in it" if you will. then if people scream loud enough I'll say something if i feel I have too and I try so hard to watch my words. Tho even then I still shoot myself in the foot lol.

Just yest I was in the store buying gauze the cashier asks what happened? I jokeingly said failed suicide attempt. Probably not funny if I said this to the wrong audience but I just blurted it out. then I smiled and told her what really happened. But thought Oh geeze what if i offended her etc.. and here i am a day later still wondering...

19-04-16, 17:47
To add to this I once walked into an office and someone said hey, you shaved all your hair off! why? and I jokingly said, I have cancer, got a laugh but I didn't realize that one of the ladies in there, her sister JUST died from cervical cancer, yeah what a moron I was.

I found out and was deeply embarassed and apologized over and over. Everything is fine though I just let it go after that.

Sometimes its best to make amends if necessary then move on.