View Full Version : is it GAD?

08-03-07, 10:58
i suffered from panic attacks and Pure O type thoughts as a teenager, and recently have been batteling with anxoety attack over relationship ocd (or what i think these things are as i havent actually been diagnosed) but at the moment the "attacks" dont seem to be there. Instead I wake up feling stressred, like a knot in my belly just under my ribs, I become really easily annoyed and seem to be angry all the time. I gget frustrated quickly and my stress lefvels seem to be very high. I hate feeling like this as i feel like a craop person, no fun to be around and like I push people away. for about 3 months, when I met my boyfriend I wasnt like this, I was very happy. Then I had the anxiety attacks and also had to move back home. so since nov/Dec time things have been hard work.
Do you think this sounds like GAD or do you think my situation is causing it?

09-03-07, 10:04
I feel like that too but with heavy chest and trouble breathing correctly. I am not sure if you have gad, if you feel anxious and wound up most of the time then you probably do.
I suffer with gad and panic disorder resulting in various phobias. Maybe you should seek advice from your gp or read books on the subject, there is plenty out there!
Hope you ok