View Full Version : What is wrong with my vision???

19-04-16, 04:01
Okay so for the past 5 or so years I have been plagued by the following symptoms involving my eyes:

Seeing my pulse in my vision. Usually only when my heart rate is elevated but I can pretty much notice it at any time if I focus hard enough. I don't mean I look in the mirror and see my eyes pulsating, I literally mean my actual vision pulses with my heart beat.

Visual snow so bad I can't even see my hand a few inches in front of my face when it's dark.

Weird floaters of all shapes and sizes, but some of them are stationary and just sit there in the same spot and I only notice them if I focus.

Constant weird bright splotches in my vision as if I just looked at something bright, but they don't go away. This symptom is fairly new and started in the past month. I also notice a huge dark spot in the center of my vision in both eyes when I'm in a dark room. I open my eyes and the splotch is there for a split second and shrinks immediately and disappears until I close and open my eyes again.

Sometimes it seems as if my vision is literally shaking in some spots.

After I have been walking for a while I stop and realize that it looks like everything is moving inward slightly. This only happens when I am walking or running, not with other types of exercise. Maybe it could be a sort of motion sickness?

Sometimes I notice a weird thing in the center of my vision that looks like a dark transparent aura, almost like water rippling.

This is by far the weirdest thing that I experience, it started about 5 years ago and has happened ever since and no matter how much I explain it to people nobody understands. Whenever I look up or down or to the side very far, I start to see what looks like two circles of pressure in my vision. Almost as if someone is putting their thumbs over each of my eyes and pressing down on them. I wouldn't be as worried about this one if it weren't for the fact that once or twice the circles have floated around my vision by themselves after appearing, and they sometimes just appear in my vision and sit there, usually when I just wake up or I'm very tired.

I really don't know what's wrong with me other than horrible depression and health anxiety. I used to have high blood pressure but its normal now. I have had blood tests done very recently and everything came back perfectly normal aside from the fact that I'm slightly anemic. I have had my eyes tested, also very recently, and they said nothing was wrong other than my astigmatism but my eye pressure and everything was normal. The only thing I haven't had checked is my brain, and I am scared to have that checked out because of my brain tumor fears. I have also been feeling extremely fatigued and exhausted lately to the fact that I can barely function and I'm constantly feeling like I'm going to pass out, in every sense of the phrase. Someone please help me.

help me 21
19-04-16, 04:14
I get this to ��! And when u say u see circles in vision me to when I look left and right insee black blobs. Also burning eye lids and eyes past 2days ��

19-04-16, 05:19
Brain tumors dont just hang out for 5 years. I have all kinds of weird vision stuff - floaters, snow, lightning bolts, halos etc...

20-04-16, 06:10
I get the same, and the one that worries me the most is the black splodges/circles I see when I look for up or far left and right. It is much worse for me after I have been bending forward or lying on my stomach makes it worse too. I only have to move my eyes slightly to see it then.
I also see pulse in vision as well as flickering in peripheral vision and often when I look at patterns they seem to move and jump.
I have had a brain MRI 6 months ago before the vision stuff started and it was clear. I have recently (since the issues) had two opthamologist appointments and a neurologist appointment, all of which have told me I'm fine and that it must be a physiological thing... I find that hard to believe since it hasn't always been there.
If it's dark Or my eyes are closed I see the same things just in white instead of black.
I also have a feeling like my face is on fire all the time, and body wide constant muscle twitching.
My GP just says "you're a mystery but there is nothing serious wrong"
I've given up, I've just accepted that there is either something really wrong that they can't find and I won't make 33 or it's just something I have to learn to live with.
I'm sorry your in the same boat but at least we aren't alone.

21-04-16, 09:34
Lavenderrain, did it help you to find others?
How are you feeling now?

Do you find the blobs/circles in your extended vision get worse when your hot and bothered and if you hang upside down for a bit?

21-04-16, 19:13
Hi just wanted to say that I get most of the things you mentioned - floaters, dark blobs like when you look at a bright light, flashes at edge of vision ( had this checked out-normal as I'm short sighted), I can see my pulse especially if looking at the sky etc etc. If you have been checked out by your GP or optician then these sound like normal visual anomalies that lots of people have but don't worry about because they probably don't suffer with anxiety.
You didn't say if you were short or long sighted but I think your astigmatism might contribute? Anyway I'm very short sighted so most of my symptoms are because if this. Try not to worry or focus on it if you've had the all clear, that's what's making you so tired.
Take care

22-04-16, 04:28
Thank you so much for all the responses. It makes me feel a lot better knowing that I'm not alone in all of this. I still wish there was a way of knowing what all of this is caused by and how to make it stop, but knowing that so many other people are experiencing the same things eases my mind a bit. It seems my tetanus fears have skyrocketed again recently after I stepped on a rusty nail a couple weeks back, so I haven't been paying as much attention to my eyes the past couple days. I hate having health anxiety.. Still, I'm sure I'll start focusing on my vision again after all of this new stuff is cleared up, so more replies are welcome and encouraged.

22-04-16, 09:25
You have described almost exactly what I experience and again my symptoms have been like this for around 5 years.

I get the dark circles when I look hard to the corners of my eyes. I also became obsessed by the blind spot in my vision until my optician explained that we all have a natural blind spot and my anxiety is just making me more aware of it.

Five years ago I also started to experience a weird phenomenon where I would see a weird flash in my vision (a bit like a camera flash after effect in my vision) I would only see it on a bright surface like the sky or computer/tv screen and if I blink (which I did ALL the time as I became obsessed!) I saw a neurologist and he said it was probably persistent silent migraine.

And I also get the thumping vision thing I especially notice it when I walk up my stairs and go to the bathroom, when I am sitting there I really notice my vision 'thumping' with my heartbeat.

I am starting to try to except that maybe when we are anxious we become extra hyper aware of certain bodily functions which (hopefully) are normal for everyone:)

31-05-16, 10:50
It seems we aren't alone. X I have all this too. (See recent posts).

It started with the circles when I look left/right and slowly turn my head at the same time. Like when you poke your own eye - but more central and it looks like pressure? Now I notice everything - and it literally driving me mad. I can't seem to get it into perspective at all. I'm actually hurting my eyes from straining them to the extreme left and right all the time.

I'm going back to optician today because last Thursday I lost some peripheral vision in my left eye. (Lasted about 40 mins then faded - not a migraine aura as it was just one eye unlike my usual migraine auras when it's one part of my visual field but both eyes - and even when eyes are closed) It's the third time it's happened in four months now and each time I was hungover so my thoughts are all SWELLING??? PRESSURE??? I had similar in 2013 and everything was ok then (MRI for ears two months later and 4 tests - 2 opthamology tests) I hope this is benign too. But of course I'm scaring myself when I apply other long standing symptoms 2+2 = 734,268,895,326 :(

I wish I could stop this - I'm going on holiday soon and its ruling my life. :(

Im sorry you're all dealing with this too - and I hope it gets better for you X