View Full Version : blood

chatty girl
19-04-16, 07:00
Hi everyone, I'm just wondering if anyone has had an experience like me.

Small amount of bleeding from back passage without a bowel movement. It was in the toilet after I had a wee but definitely from that end when I wiped.

Thanks xxx

19-04-16, 10:15
Yes I have had this before with out a bowel movement, normally if I have a cut/tear.

19-04-16, 10:28
I agree with ShaunRyder a small tear also piles and swell and bleed .
Maybe worth thinking about how your bowel habits have been if you have been constipated .
I have IBS and yes it's happened to me .

chatty girl
19-04-16, 12:45
The thing that worries me is the doctor cant see any tear and my piles aren't too bad at the moment. I'm getting so worked up about it I've arranged an appointment with a private consultant Thursday.


19-04-16, 13:09
I know its hard but try too relax a little, it is your anxiety making it seem worse. I know it is alarming when you go to the toilet and see blood, but it is a very common thing, you do not need a bowel movement to cause bleeding in that area, you could have strained a little too hard. Fresh blood is perfectly fine, if the blood is a very very dark red like near black, that is a sign it has come from somewhere else.

I have cuts/tears all the time and get fresh blood when wiping all the time! Not sure whats going on up there :whistles::shrug: but its nothing serious.

19-04-16, 14:21
Thanks everyone for your input - I had this first thing and went into a bit of a panic.

Logically I am telling myself my doctor has previosuly found a small tear which does this occassionally and that it was very fresh red blood, but still a horrible day fretting about it.

Check with the Dr or just keep a watching brief - any thoughts?

19-04-16, 15:11
Thanks everyone for your input - I had this first thing and went into a bit of a panic.

Logically I am telling myself my doctor has previosuly found a small tear which does this occassionally and that it was very fresh red blood, but still a horrible day fretting about it.

Check with the Dr or just keep a watching brief - any thoughts?

Good keep trying to think like that :yesyes: I know its hard once the anxiety kicks in but you are doing well!

I do not think you need to visit the doctors, maybe leave it a week or so and if it is still doing then go to the doctors, not because I think it is anything serious, just because he could give you something to help heal the cut/tear.

chatty girl
19-04-16, 19:00
If only I could manage to stop worrying! Its really got me this time hook line & sinker! What if this time I'm right???? I've even gone and got myself an appointment at a private hospital Thursday at 5.30pm. He's a gastroenterology consultant at £150 - £250!!!!!!

19-04-16, 20:36
If only I could manage to stop worrying! Its really got me this time hook line & sinker! What if this time I'm right???? I've even gone and got myself an appointment at a private hospital Thursday at 5.30pm. He's a gastroenterology consultant at £150 - £250!!!!!!

What exactly did the doctor say on this issue? How many times have you had the blood in the toilet since the last time? £150 -£250 is quite a big sum for something like this.

chatty girl
19-04-16, 20:51
Absolutely rediculous I know but if I dont speak to a professional about it I might go nuts!!!

19-04-16, 23:31
I once was scheduled for a colonoscopy, but being too young for it and not having enough symptoms to convince anyone but myself that its serious, my health plan denied funding for it and I would have had to pay $3000 dollars myself for it here in the US.

What did I do? That was around 8 months ago or so, I'm completely fine today and my symptoms eased up. I never took the test I just lived with it and thought okay if it gets much much worse then i'll go in but I didnt have nearly that much money to do it.

I did however do initial check ups so perhaps its okay just to start and if there is no further concern then to just drop the subject altogether?

chatty girl
20-04-16, 06:10
Last night I felt quite confident that there was nothing wrong and I would be wasting my money, however woken up this morning terrified again. Such an awful feeling, i asked how much a coloscopy would be at its about £1500! Credit cards at the ready if thats what he thinks I need. Someone talk to me xxxx

20-04-16, 08:26
So mine was fine this morning, normal although slightly sore (sorry TMI) but no sign of blood. I am assuming hthis is a good sign?

20-04-16, 08:51
So mine was fine this morning, normal although slightly sore (sorry TMI) but no sign of blood. I am assuming hthis is a good sign?

Yes, if it is sore then this is a sign of a tear or cut.

Last night I felt quite confident that there was nothing wrong and I would be wasting my money, however woken up this morning terrified again. Such an awful feeling, i asked how much a coloscopy would be at its about £1500! Credit cards at the ready if thats what he thinks I need. Someone talk to me xxxx

What has made you terrified again? Have you had more blood in the toilet bowl or has your anxiety just kicked in again?

20-04-16, 09:47
Dont think at worse thing but get results from a doctors because you must be very careful with your health

chatty girl
20-04-16, 10:19
Omg hospital just rung I have an appointment at 5pm today with the consultant!!!!!! Anxiety levels throw the roof!!!!!!!!!!

20-04-16, 15:16
Its just a consultation, with what you're describing, these doctors are very familiar with what you're experiencing and have seen 1000s of patients go through their offices and have seen people with actual serious ailments so they would be able to distinguish.

I'm willing to bet that everything will be fine and its something very minor and you'll be OK

20-04-16, 15:30
switch to baby wipes.

chatty girl
20-04-16, 21:21
I saw the consultant this afternoon, they had a cancellation, he was lovely, he did some sort of internal examination abd said he can't see any reason for the bleed and he really thinks its nothing to worry about but it would be silly not to follow up by having the sigmoidoscopy on the nhs, so I'm back on the waiting list but I feel so reassured now I'm glad I forked out to see him.
