View Full Version : Anxiety Is Back!

19-04-16, 09:01
Ok, it's been a little while since I've been out of the hospital, and I've been in counseling as well. I've felt a /little/ bit better, but now it seems anxiety is coming back up. I keep asking, were all the EKGs, x-rays, and blood tests simply not fully correct? Do I have a rare issue at 24? Sometimes I still get tight feelings or pain that make me think worse case scenario, even though I've been to the hospital 3 times this year. I am finding it harder to reassure myself. They want to give me a few scopes and are positive it's stress/GI related. I can't even manage to sleep anymore. I am stopped up more these days too because of season changes so I wake up freaking out about my breathing. Can I trust that GERDs or IBS can mimic conditions I worry about? What can I do to get some sleep? Any reassurance or some ideas will be welcome! I'm told they did not run more tests at the hospital because I didn't have anything to indicate it was required. Was this the right decision of them? Thanks!

19-04-16, 10:11
I'd say you can rest assured that if they suspected anything more serious they would do more investigation. Trust the Doctors, they are trained and know what they're doing.
Anxiety can cause so many physical symptoms, I know this from experience, believe me.
I take it from your post that you've had IBS and Gerd issues. I've had this for many years and yes, the symptoms do mimic other conditions which is why they do the tests.
Mine have always been due to my anxiety and stress levels. I never believed it and always thought it was something else.....but after 20 years and many doctors visits and tests I've accepted that this is what I have, triggered by anxiety.
I treat the symptoms with medication and the very fact that I've accepted what I have has meant the flare-ups have become less and so has the anxiety.
When you're anxious it's hard to sleep and even when you do its not restful.
If you can relax about your condition it will help.
Also try some relaxation methods before bed like a hot bath, chamomile tea, a nice book.

19-04-16, 10:44
So how did you accept that the doctors were right? That is my main issue. Three visits since the year began, I'm told I receive more than most do including a hospital visit stay. What medicines work the best for you? Relaxation methods suck for me. And my acid reflux sometimes presents with weird symptoms like dizziness or feeling like just weird in general?

19-04-16, 11:15
I think it was time that proved their diagnosis. My symptoms continued but I never got worse. A very kind doctor took time to explain how anxiety and stress can affect the gut. And this I proved to myself by presenting with IBS symptoms each and every time I became anxious. It was when I finally accepted the diagnosis that something clicked and I started to i prove very quickly. Do some research. Knowledge gives you control and peace of mind which is what you need.
There are hundreds of thousands of people in the world who suffer from IBS. It's just the symptoms that you have to fear. It can't actually harm you in any way. You won't die from it.
Find out if there are any foods that may trigger it. Gluten is the worst thing for me.

Feeling weird and dizzy is due to anxiety. Do some research on that too.
Once you understand you'll feel a lot better and won't be scared anymore.

Relaxation can be difficult. The tapes they give you never help me. I find if I keep really busy and do lots of physical exercise it really does help. Walking is good. Push yourself even if you don't feel like it. Lying in bed is the worst thing to do.

19-04-16, 11:41
I think it was time that proved their diagnosis. My symptoms continued but I never got worse. A very kind doctor took time to explain how anxiety and stress can affect the gut. And this I proved to myself by presenting with IBS symptoms each and every time I became anxious. It was when I finally accepted the diagnosis that something clicked and I started to i prove very quickly. Do some research. Knowledge gives you control and peace of mind which is what you need.
There are hundreds of thousands of people in the world who suffer from IBS. It's just the symptoms that you have to fear. It can't actually harm you in any way. You won't die from it.
Find out if there are any foods that may trigger it. Gluten is the worst thing for me.

Feeling weird and dizzy is due to anxiety. Do some research on that too.
Once you understand you'll feel a lot better and won't be scared anymore.

Relaxation can be difficult. The tapes they give you never help me. I find if I keep really busy and do lots of physical exercise it really does help. Walking is good. Push yourself even if you don't feel like it. Lying in bed is the worst thing to do.

Thanks. They tell me that logical thinking is important. Besides my BP issues, which are under control, they said my age, and all my tests are clear, and it's unlikely that things develop that fast even if overweight. Apparently GI symptoms are very commonly said to be mistaken for the other think. It's just some of the symptoms can be kinda crazy sometimes! It could very well be that I ate literally right before trying to sleep. Could that last this long? If this was something worse would I be here typing this?

19-04-16, 11:48
Anxiety symptoms can be crazy!
My IBS can sometimes be triggered by food I ate the previous day. Add anxiety to that and I've had flare-ups that have lasted longer than three months fed by constant stressing about each symptom.
You're right though, you wouldn't still be sitting here typing if it was something worse

19-04-16, 14:16
I might try an apple because my stomach is rumbling and I'm still in pain, and it's crazy.

19-04-16, 15:34
Having an empty stomach can be just as bad as overeating so try and eat regular healthy meals and avoid anything that causes gas and bloating. That's what causes the pain. You can buy something to reduce the symptoms from the chemist and it really does help. You're in America so no point me giving you the name but I'm sure they have similar remedies there,

20-04-16, 04:34
Well, I have pains at that place again that freak me out, also my face is red, nose is stuffy. I keep thinking I can't get enough air, can't sleep, trying all I can but nothing is working. Might get 1 hour of sleep maximum when it's not bothering me the most. Told I had a cold and will be ok but doesn't feel much like it.

20-04-16, 09:51
Tension can bring about such a variety of physical indications, I know this for a fact, trust me.

I take it from your post that you've had IBS and Gerd issues. I've had this for a long time and yes, the side effects do mirror different conditions which is the reason they do the tests.

Mine have dependably been because of my nervousness and anxiety levels. I never trusted it and dependably thought it was something else.....but following 20 years and numerous specialists

20-04-16, 11:48
I believe you can trust what they said. You were in the hospital for several days and they found nothing threatening in any way. On the other hand, they kept you there when most would have been discharged wanting to refer you into a mental health facility and that speaks volumes as to the severity of your mental health.

I'm glad you're getting help. One step, day, week, month at a time. Work on your recovery. It will get better and easier. Treating the real illness will help the physical symptoms it's causing.

Positive thoughts

20-04-16, 16:37
Thanks guys. The issue with me is trusting the professionals. I am not satisfied unless they run everything, but they seem of the mind that not everything need be run if some specific things show up great. They even said that my oxygen levels are extremely good and rare that anyone's shows up that perfectly at a consistent rate. They said doing multiple tests and all coming back clear pretty much assures they would've found any problems. And they did seem to take me quite seriously even with my age, and did test. The therapy is helping a little, but like my counselor said, it's going to bring it to the forefront and make it a little worse before it gets better. I've been working on trying to find triggers for panicking thoughts. It's just hard to believe sometimes that anxiety and GI issues can cause so many issues, you know? I used to actually think acid reflux was 'not that bad' and mild compared to some things. Until I got it myself and learned why I had family with such rough issues because of that. Seems my cold actually makes my acid reflux crazier. Not to mention the anxiety at actually being sick, even if something like that.

21-04-16, 06:43
Can a common cold give you breathing issues? If so is it s of breath or hyperventilating if you can't get a 'full' breath but then you finally can? I'm freaking out.

21-04-16, 07:24
Obviously if your nose is blocked it'll be difficult to breath through it, likewise if you have bronchitis you may be wheezy. Steam up the bathroom and sit in it for a while, or boil up some water, place in a boiwl and put a towel over your head and the bowl to create a little steam room where you can inhale the steam. This will give you some relief.

21-04-16, 07:43
Obviously if your nose is blocked it'll be difficult to breath through it, likewise if you have bronchitis you may be wheezy. Steam up the bathroom and sit in it for a while, or boil up some water, place in a boiwl and put a towel over your head and the bowl to create a little steam room where you can inhale the steam. This will give you some relief.

My nose is much less stopped up so I dunno why it's like this! I've also coughed little. I'll do such though. I'm just worried.

21-04-16, 12:13
Hi there. I am from Czech republic and would like to ask something. I was diagnosed GAD in December. Since January, although I am on antidepressants, I have constant feeling of having cold, or coming down with a flu, if you know what I mean. It has taken already 4 months feeling like that. Is it common? Thank you for the answer.