View Full Version : Uterine Polyp - waiting for biopsy results

19-04-16, 09:54
I had a uterine polyp removed last Friday and now have the awful waiting of 2 - 3 weeks for the biopsy results. I am 5 years post-menopausal and had vaginal bleeding in Feb. My first hysteroscopy revealed I had a polyp and she said that was the cause for my bleeding. A biopsy of the uterus was taken at the time and that seemed to be OK and when the polyp was found, although it was large she said it 'looked benign'. I had the actual removal of the polyp last Friday but they have to biopsy it. I am of course very anxious waiting for my results (it is only the 2nd day today) but was wondering if my biopsy of the lining was OK is it likely that the polyp will be OK as I guess it grows from the same thing (the uterus lining). I also have 2 fibroids which I have had for years so I know about them. I would like to hear from other post-menopausal women who have had uterine polyps found and all turned out OK. The wait is like torture.

19-04-16, 10:42

I had a uterine polyp removed via hysteroscopy a few years ago, so I sympathise entirely with your worry and the horrible wait for results. Mine was a small one, and I too experienced some bleeding before it was diagnosed after a TV scan.

Try not to worry too much, though I know it is easier said than done. Most polyps are benign.....the vast majority. If the lining looked ok, that too is a very good sign. Gynae doctors are very good at sussing out if something looks normal or abnormal on first sight, and if they thought that either the womb lining or the polyp looked dodgy, I am certain that you would not have a standard wait for results.

Though I am not post menopausal - I am 44 and still having periods, though they are altering a bit, so i think I am approaching perimenopause - I have had multiple ovarian cysts, a uterine polyp and have a fibroid still (which is on the outside of my womb, so couldn't be removed via the hysteroscopy) so I totally understand your concern. I found the wait awful too. I had to wait until my follow up appt after the hysteroscopy, so I had to take heart in 'no news is good news'.

I am sure all will be fine for you too! x:hugs:

19-04-16, 12:06
Thanks. My last pelvic scan was 11 years ago (pre-menopausal) and they found a simple cyst on one of my ovaries and fibroids which they told me not to worry about which I didn't until now. I asked shouldn't I have been monitored on an annual basis for this and was told that it is not routine to do this when you are pre-menopausal but as I had no symptoms I did not think about possibly asking for a scan a couple of years past menopause - you just don't think about these things until you are presented with problems. The problem is I have lots of underlying health issues including Type 2 diabetes. I feel quite cross with myself for not addressing my weight etc and really hope that it is not too late for me to change my lifestyle for good. I am really hoping all will be OK with my results. I am losing weight through worry!

---------- Post added at 12:06 ---------- Previous post was at 11:39 ----------


I had a uterne polyp removed via hysteroscopy a few years ago, so I sympathise entirely with your worry and the horrible wait for results. Mine was a small one, and I too experienced some bleeding before it was diagnosed after a TV scan.

Try not to worry too much, though I know it is easier said than done. Most polyps are benign.....the vast majority. If the lining looked ok, that too is a very good sign. Gynae doctors are very good at sussing out if something looks normal or abnormal on first sight, and if they thought that either the womb lining or the polyp looked dodgy, I am certain that you would not have a standard wait for results.

Though I am not post menopausal - I am 44 and still having periods, though they are altering a bit, so i think I am approaching perimenopause - I have had multiple ovarian cysts, a uterine polyp and have a fibroid still (which is on the outside of my womb, so couldn't be removed via the hysteroscopy) so I totally understand your concern. I found the wait awful too. I had to wait until my follow up appt after the hysteroscopy, so I had to take heart in 'no news is good news'.

I am sure all will be fine for you too! x:hugs:

Yes, forgot to add that it is only the 2nd day today that I have been waiting for my results and get so panicky whenever the phone rings and when post arrives etc I am clutching at straws here but is there any remote chance that each day that passes may be a good sign or could it be 'bad' news even after 2 - 3 weeks of waiting?

19-04-16, 12:20
I am clutching at straws here but is there any remote chance that each day that passes may be a good sign or could it be 'bad' news even after 2 - 3 weeks of waiting?

If there was anything bad about your results, you would not wait 2-3 weeks, that is for sure. They would not sit on results like that....time is of the essence with anything sinister.

Yes, each day that passes is a good sign. x

21-04-16, 17:40
How long should it take for the bleeding to stop after a polyp removal? I was told a couple of weeks, tomorrow is one week since the procedure but I am still getting light spotting, I just want it to stop as I am worried enough as it is waiting for my results.

21-04-16, 20:47
I think I bled for about a week and a half. Hopefully, you should not have much more bleeding, and light spotting sounds about right to me.

29-04-16, 12:16
It is 2 weeks today since my polyp removal and the Gyn said that bleeding/spotting would happen for about 2 weeks, well I bled/spotted for a week, then it stopped and now yesterday it has started up again, is this normal? should I go and see my GP? thanks

29-04-16, 14:00
Maybe it would be worth seeing your GP, but I still think that this is pretty much to be expected.

I was told by my gynaecologist two things: firstly, that I would bleed for a while after the hysteroscopy, and secondly, that my cycle may be off for a while following the surgery. Although you are post-menopausal, it could well be that the polyp removal has just disturbed the womb lining, especially as you say the polyp was large. It may well take a bit of healing time and time for things to really settle. I would imagine that 2 weeks bleeding time is a standard, ballpark figure that they tell patients, but not necessarily set in stone.

I would have a chat with your doctor if you are concerned. x

29-04-16, 14:33
Thanks I will wait until next Friday as that will be 3 weeks since removal and hopefully it will have stopped again by then but if not I will visit my GP just to check. I am still officially waiting for my results in writing but I did go and see my GP last week for something else and he looked on his computer and thankfully everything seems fine and benign but I am yet to receive this in writing. Also, on the day of removal, I was given a letter which just said at the end that no follow up appointment is scheduled so I take it that means I don't need to be seen again so i'll keep an eye on things. I am post menopausal so shouldn't be getting periods but just guessing, I could well need some hormone medication for my uterus lining if it still bleeds and is not related to polyp. I read somewhere that the lining can become thin after menopause and cause bleeding.

29-04-16, 15:47
Yep, I had read that too about the womb lining. I assume it comes from the reduction in hormones during/due to menopause.

It is great that everything seems benign and good. That is a relief in itself. I would see how things go, Carina. Our bodies can play up with any kind of disturbance and surgical procedure....it doesn't take much. I think that it would be highly coincidental for your restarting bleed not to be related to your surgery, which is pretty traumatic for the womb really, especially after a large polyp.

I think maybe that is why my bleeding didn't last super long, as my polyp apparently was very small, and my period came more or less on time, so I sort of dodged what the doctor had warned me about. Perhaps your polyp being large is the culprit here, and it needs a litle extra time to fully resolve.

Good luck and see how it goes. x

04-05-16, 09:56
I have made an appointment to see my GP this morning as my bleeding today has become heavier and I passed a large blood clot. I wonder what could be the cause of this after I have had my polyp removed (I still haven't received my official results in writing and it is 3 weeks ago this Friday that I had the polyp removed). I wonder what the GP will make of it?

06-05-16, 18:28
I've had my results in writing and thankfully polyp was benign so a huge relief, however I had to visit my GP in the week as my bleeding one day was like a period with a large blood clot but GP said that I am just a slow healer and that it still might take some time so I will keep an eye on it. I had no bleeding/spotting yesterday and a tiny bit today so hoping it will just get less and less until it eventually stops (hope so anyway).

06-05-16, 19:23
Good news!
Take care.