View Full Version : Not sure if CBT is working?

19-04-16, 11:19
Hello all!

It's been a while but I'm back, suffering not from health specific anxiety but mainly worry and nervousness making me unable to do 'normal' day stuff. It's effecting everything from my career to personal relationships.

I have been having NHS CBT for close to 3 months now but is it just me who has found it doesn't really work for them?

I am holding out hope to one day it all clicks into place but so far I haven't really learnt anything other than I go into a room once a week and talk then leave.

I did private CBT and this felt far better but it's also expensive.

Any help or suggestions or personal tales are greatly appreciated :)

19-04-16, 11:28
I'm doing a CBT course through the NHS but it's an online programme, and i attend the centre(by choice) each Thursday to do the modules with my therapist. I feel it is helping me somewhat but i haven't been practicing the techniques i've learnt because of being unwell, so i don't think i've got all i can from it up to now because of this.

I don't think it's something you can learn and then it works, it's ways we need to apply the techniques into our every day lives and giving us tools to be able to do this, and recognizing our own thought, feelings, behavior patterns that are causing us trouble. I don't think CBT alone is going to help me, but it will be one of a few things.

Have you spoken to them and said you don't feel like you're learning anything? It may not be the best one for you, at the end of the day it's there to help you and if it isn't doing that you should speak up and see what other options there are for you :)