View Full Version : Please help so tired of this 😔

19-04-16, 12:39
Hi all

I have been a manner here for years but haven't posted for a long time truth be told I don't even know where to begin 😔

I have been suffering with HA for nearly 8 years since my Mam died suddenly of a heart attack back in 2008 😔 I had a breakdown didn't get out of bed for year then I had some marital problems which didn't help and had a pretty rough probably 5 years or more I am a lot better than I was I am a carer for my Aitistic son but I got myself a part time job back in 2011 to help me get out and see people

I've been diagnosed with IBS during this time I'm also on Lanzoprozole and I have a underactive thyroid which I'm on Levothyroxine for I take Amitriptaline at night for my neck and shoulders aches and I have Fibromyalgia it is a daily fight to keep this Anxiety at bay I have seen many doctors who end up getting fed up with seeing me once I sense thier frustration I don't see them again at then minute I have a lovely lady doctor helping me and I don't want to scare or bore her away everything that is bothering me at the minute I have had before or had for a while but my Anxiety wracked brain homes in on a symptom every so often and makes me feel like this

My upper back shoulders and neck always ache constantly feel the need for a massage very stiff especially the left side I can move my head side to side up and down back and front doc has also looked in my eyes all ok I do get discomfort when I move my head but I understand that's from the muscles being so tense

The symptom I am so concerned about is really hard to describe I can get it any time of the day never wakes me up or anything like that I try and connect it to an action but the best o can come up with is that it is worse or more frequent when I need to open my bowels so I don't know if it is anything to do with IBS basically I get a feeling like my stomach drops or turns like someone has scared me or when you realise you forgot to do something and you think it's too late or oh might be in trouble feels like that but not as severe and straight after I get like a rush of blood I guess to my head causing head pressure I suffer with head pressure anyway doc thinks it's to do with my neck issue my ears feel full all the time sometimes if I yawn they pop and it feels better but not for long when my stomach drops it feels like a real strong heartbeat before it happens but in my stomach 😬 Sorry told you it made no sense I have spoke to the doctor she said IBS and/ or Anxiety I am a different anxiety sufferer in that I don't want tests I am petrified at the thought of being referred to the hospital for anything and it's a battle with myself to go docs if I was to be referred I wouldn't be able to function until the appointment I know it!! I and 43 now and a woman I am going to need the hospital at some point in my life I need to sort this else I will die young from something simple that might have been sorted had I been brave enough to sort it

Sorry to ramble on 😔

19-04-16, 16:22

I don't have any advice really other than to say I'm the same age as you and having a very bad time with anxiety at the moment with various symptoms. It helps sometimes to know there are others going through the same thing.

20-04-16, 06:57
Well its hard for you ,from what i read .What i can say you its to have faith in you and maybe to pray every night and go to church also .I think a serious trauma cause you to have a bad anxiety .I would sugest you to fint a doctor who work with brain hypnosis meditation etc because there its hidden your problem

20-04-16, 19:00
Hi all

I have been a manner here for years but haven't posted for a long time truth be told I don't even know where to begin 😔

I have been suffering with HA for nearly 8 years since my Mam died suddenly of a heart attack back in 2008 😔 I had a breakdown didn't get out of bed for year then I had some marital problems which didn't help and had a pretty rough probably 5 years or more I am a lot better than I was I am a carer for my Aitistic son but I got myself a part time job back in 2011 to help me get out and see people

I've been diagnosed with IBS during this time I'm also on Lanzoprozole and I have a underactive thyroid which I'm on Levothyroxine for I take Amitriptaline at night for my neck and shoulders aches and I have Fibromyalgia it is a daily fight to keep this Anxiety at bay I have seen many doctors who end up getting fed up with seeing me once I sense thier frustration I don't see them again at then minute I have a lovely lady doctor helping me and I don't want to scare or bore her away everything that is bothering me at the minute I have had before or had for a while but my Anxiety wracked brain homes in on a symptom every so often and makes me feel like this

My upper back shoulders and neck always ache constantly feel the need for a massage very stiff especially the left side I can move my head side to side up and down back and front doc has also looked in my eyes all ok I do get discomfort when I move my head but I understand that's from the muscles being so tense

The symptom I am so concerned about is really hard to describe I can get it any time of the day never wakes me up or anything like that I try and connect it to an action but the best o can come up with is that it is worse or more frequent when I need to open my bowels so I don't know if it is anything to do with IBS basically I get a feeling like my stomach drops or turns like someone has scared me or when you realise you forgot to do something and you think it's too late or oh might be in trouble feels like that but not as severe and straight after I get like a rush of blood I guess to my head causing head pressure I suffer with head pressure anyway doc thinks it's to do with my neck issue my ears feel full all the time sometimes if I yawn they pop and it feels better but not for long when my stomach drops it feels like a real strong heartbeat before it happens but in my stomach 😬 Sorry told you it made no sense I have spoke to the doctor she said IBS and/ or Anxiety I am a different anxiety sufferer in that I don't want tests I am petrified at the thought of being referred to the hospital for anything and it's a battle with myself to go docs if I was to be referred I wouldn't be able to function until the appointment I know it!! I and 43 now and a woman I am going to need the hospital at some point in my life I need to sort this else I will die young from something simple that might have been sorted had I been brave enough to sort it

Sorry to ramble on 😔

Lansoprazole? I've been taking that stuff since 2004. If I hadn't, I would have had acid spraying out of my ears long before now. It's good, but it is known for its side effects, their range and severity. One of the best known is muscle pain - anywhere, and persistent. Many people have had to go off the medication for that reason. There are lots of other PPIs you can take with lesser side effects.

Your upper back, neck and shoulder issues are very likely to be caused by bad posture. Do you sit in front of a computer all day? That's one of the main culprits. Do you slouch in chairs while watching TV? It is probable that you do, but that you aren't conscious of it at the time.

Standard advice: avoid Dr Google. He's a monstrous fraud, and he should be struck off. To HA sufferers, he's dangerous.

If there is something you're really concerned about, than take your courage in both hands and see the doctor. The feeling you will get when you are told that you don't have some dread disease is worth it, and can be a springboard for a change of mindset and a new start in putting this HA aside.

The very best to you.

22-04-16, 16:55

Thank you so much for your kind words

I am going to go doctors on Monday there is only 1 doctor I am happy seeing the others are fed up with me even though I don't go a lot so I am going to ring Monday morning book a double appointment and tell her everything 😩😩