View Full Version : Throat lump...

19-04-16, 13:46
So the past few days I have managed to keep calm. After my test results and speaking to my dr I've been able to keep my anxiety under control. Also I think the increase in venlafaxine has started to take affect.
The only thing keeping me from feeling better is this stupid lump in my throat!
The Drs has had a look and feel and is sure it's Globus as am I but its holding me back, I'm obsessing over it and I have tried ignoring it but I just can't!
Does anyone have any tips or has medication helped anyone??
I'm desperate for help I just want it to go so I can get on with things, I can't do anything because it's all I can think about!

19-04-16, 20:08
Anyone? Xxx

19-04-16, 21:04
Does the lump cause any pain when swallowing? Globicus hystericus is strange and it can manifest from swallowing to hard, checking your throat constantly by swallowing to make sure its there (or not there) and is basically just a nerve problem and not necessarily a physical lump I would say although sometimes if its irritated it does manifest this way.

I got that way when going on antibiotics for h. pylori when one of the antibiotics was huge, it would always do that to me and it freaked me out. It went away when I ignored it, drank cold icy water to soothe it etc. Most likely if your doctor isnt worried than I wouldnt be.

19-04-16, 21:30
What test results did you get back?

19-04-16, 23:32
Does the lump cause any pain when swallowing? Globicus hystericus is strange and it can manifest from swallowing to hard, checking your throat constantly by swallowing to make sure its there (or not there) and is basically just a nerve problem and not necessarily a physical lump I would say although sometimes if its irritated it does manifest this way.

I got that way when going on antibiotics for h. pylori when one of the antibiotics was huge, it would always do that to me and it freaked me out. It went away when I ignored it, drank cold icy water to soothe it etc. Most likely if your doctor isnt worried than I wouldnt be.

No it's not painful but sometimes it can feel a bit awkward, it's so bloody annoying!! Yeh cold water does help and a warm drink, I try to eat loads of grapes cause that helps as well and I was eating sweets before but need to cut down on sugar!

---------- Post added at 23:32 ---------- Previous post was at 23:30 ----------

What test results did you get back?

Stomach examinations & Complete blood count, I asked them to test for anything they can test for by blood and nothing was found!
Very blessed!!

20-04-16, 17:45
I askd that because I'm wondering if what is going on is something like what goes on with me.

I feel the lump thing right now too. My swallowing feels weird as well.

But, this is after I've been checked out for a lot of different things and been cleared. If you are like me, and I suspect like a lot of others here, the reassurance that a test had good results only lasts for so long before you are wondering what the test missed. But hey, i STILL feel like this, so there STIll MUST be something wrong.

Anxiety really is a cruel thing, and health anxiety is maybe the worst form of all because it leaves us with actual physical evidence of a problem. I'm working on this myself, but I completely get where you are coming from.

20-04-16, 18:12
The lump in throat thing is something I get and i have had mri scans, cameras, blood tests etc and nothing sinister has been found. The ENT consultant told me that when I eventually stop concentrating on the feeling it will go away. It lasted months but when I started to ignore it , it did go.