View Full Version : Adding fuel to my Anxiety - I have made the biggest mistake of my life

19-04-16, 15:21
Hi - I am not sure if this is in the correct thread but here goes anyway,

I have been suffering with anxiety of varying degrees over the past three years and it has gradually got worse over that time. I tend to obsess and overestimate the likelihood of future (bad) events occurring and cant stop worrying about it.

To make matters worse - I have just made the worst mistake of my life and feel at the lowest point I have ever been - my anxiety is in overdrive 24/7 and I am not sure I can see a way out. I am sure that there are many people that will say that I deserve to feel the way I am for what I have done - maybe they are right - but I am struggling to cope and think rationally while doing the right thing.

So here is my story: I have a girlfriend of 8 years that I love very much. We are perfect for each other and fit perfectly within our kookie little ways. I cant imagine myself with anyone else and I wouldn't want to either. When my anxiety is at its worst she is the light at the end of the tunnel the person who can make the world seem like a good place again.

The problem - In February I went on holiday with some friends to Las Vegas. I had been having issues with anxiety and insomnia so I was looking forward to it and thought it would be a good opportunity to relax. Unfortunately I am the sort of person that when I start drinking I do not know when to stop - one night I got so drunk that I was stumbling over - my friend said he had never seen me like that. A girl approached us in the bar and began chatting, she seemed freindly enough so we chatted back to her and played a bit of pool. After a while my friend left me in the casino bar to go to bed (I said I would be up shortly after finishing my drink). Once he was gone the girl made it known she was a prostitute (there are many of them inthe casino bars in LV) and I drunkly accepted her services. I was so drunk that I had to stop after a few minutes and leave. The next morning as I sobered up and realised what I had done I felt terrible - the worst human being in the world.

Initially my anxiety was in overdrive in case I had caught an STD/HIV etc, after waiting for the incubation period to pass I was tested and it was negative. My relief was short lived. I had decided that the best course of action was not to tell my girlfriend. I didnt want to hurt her and I thought that I would just alleviate my own guilt (probably temporarily) by telling her. This may have also been a selfish act, I really cant decide. But I decided to live with the guilt if I could.

Next - my anxiety begins to create irrational, very unlikely future scenarios. My friends said they are planning to go to Las Vegas again February next year and stay at the same hotel. This is the same hotel I met the prostitute in. I have become paranoid that my friend will be in the hotel bar again next year and so will she, she would approach him as a potential client and he would remember her from last year (he would recognise her in this situation). Once chatting she would remember him and that night and let slip what happened. I know this is really, really unlikely, but my brain just wont let go that 'it could happen'.

The consequences - my anxiety is in overdrive I am hardly sleeping (maybe 3 hours of poor quality sleep per night). No matter how much I try to convince myself that nothing will happen I am unable to get away from the 'what if' or 'it could happen' scenario. I cant live like this for another 10 months to find out that actually nothing happens as is usually the case with my worries. I cant see a way out - if I tell my girlfriend and hope she forgives me we could try to rebuild. But would the 'what if' scenario still play on my mind while I break her heart for nothing? I couldnt bare the thought of other people knowing and spreading rumours - it is not fair on her. Maybe she has a right to know anyway? I am not sure I can cope anymore.

If you have read all of this and made it to the end I realise that not many people will have sympathy for my situation. It is self inflicted by a momentary, reckless and selfish act. I hate myself for what I have done, believe me. Most of the issues people have (including myself) with anxiety is not because of something they have done. Yet I have caused this mess and I have given my anxiety something to feed on - and it is consuming every minute of every day. I am not sure why I have written this, I expect plenty of negative comments (and deserve them - I doubt you can say anything I don't already know) - maybe just to get it off my chest? a confession? a cry for help? I dont know.

The only thing I know for sure is that I am an idiot. Three months ago when my anxiety hit I could always overcome it knowing I had a good life with an amazing, loving girlfriend. Now I have no back up, no go to place to make me feel better. My girlfreind knows something is up and is constantly trying to help and reassure me - this now only makes me feel worse for the betrayal. I have let her down and I am not sure I can live with it. I am physically and mentally falling apart..............sorry for the length of this post and thanks for reading

19-04-16, 15:31
high anxiety like you describe is pretty common among people who drink and yeah drinking does lead to stupid stuff like what happened to you which then casues more problems and more anxiety. I have no idea how much your drink or not. But I'd say a good starting point would be to not drink anymore as you know it can lead to more trouble etc..

HOw to cope with it in the interim? I dunno it sounds to me like your run in with the prostitute was just stupid drunken mistake and not a big deal but i'm sure it would be a really big deal to you GF. But once we are drunk we do stupid stuff sometimes.

In time it will ease if your worried you will run in with the prostitute in vegas again in 10 months dont go its not like you have to go there or something you can just tkae a pass on the trip and go do something else.

19-04-16, 15:33
you're feeling guilty and this is fueling your anxieties. The chance of a hooker in Las Vegas remembering you, the same one approaching your friend, it being brought up in conversation must be son tiny it can hardly be measured. If the guilt is eating you up then you maybe best telling all to your partner, hard as that will be
It could be worth going to your doc to get something to in the short term to help with the anxiety. Try exercising to burn of some anxieties also.
The "what if" feelings are standard for anxiety sufferers so not only do you need to address this issue about the hooker, but also the deeper lying anxieties also

19-04-16, 15:42
ZJW - I wont be going to Vegas next year. I am worried about my friend seeing her if she is still working the hotel bar. He would recognise her and remind her that they met last year. If she remembers then she could tell him what happened that night - that is my very irrational fear.

Shiznit76 - I agree that the scenario I have described is so unlikely that it is not worth worrying about. Unfortunately I am unable to convince my brain of that at the moment....I am trying to figure out the best way of addressing the 'what if scenarios'.

19-04-16, 16:10
Wow... I wish there were some words that would help but it's quite apparent your conscious is having none of it and this is just festering and building.

Your girlfriend senses something is up too which as you said is just adding to the issue. My concern is that this will eventually boil over in a negative way. The only positive I see is that you do have a conscious and understand the ramifications of your actions.

Whatever you decide to do, I wish you peace.

Positive thoughts

19-04-16, 17:46
The guilt is fueling this, but you obviously need to get a hold of your underlying anxiety issue. My mind run riot when I get anxious, it sounds like this is what is happening to you. Does it feel any easier now you've emptied your story here

19-04-16, 19:23
Hi Shiz (I am guessing you are a Snoop Dogg fan?) - thanks for replying to me. Yes, writing out my story certainly helped. At least for an hour or so until my brain starts to engage in overthinking and making unlikely scenarios seem like real possibilities. What if they go back in 2 years or three - its completely ridiculous.

I am thinking of telling my gf at this point - but I keep changing my mind.

I have been trying to get t grips with the anxiety issues for some time with no success. I have been to my GP who recommended 'Mood Juice' - back in January. I went to the GP again this week and they are running blood tests in case some underlying issues are causing my anxiety (I have been having lower back pain so they want to test kidney function etc).....

Thanks again for replying - I wasn't sure if anyone would and it does help to talk about it.....