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View Full Version : Overcoming inertia

19-04-16, 16:04
Everything I read about anxiety says to feel it and then get on and do whatever you were intending to do. My problem is that when I am super anxious I get a feeling of inertia - all I can do is watch the tv, read, or play on my computer. I cannot make myself do the ordinary stuff like go to the shops or garden. I feel overwhelmed by the physical sensations of anxiety, like wobbly legs etc. Any tips on how to get myself over this hurdle and make myself do stuff?

19-04-16, 17:51
The feeling it and moving on is really just that, acknowledging the anxiety and knowing its there but doing things anyway. I see it as a very small weak bully, it can only force you to do things if you allow it to.

For example going to shop or in the garden, the anxiety is telling you NO DON'T GO and then lists reason after reason for not doing so meanwhile, what is the real reason? Its just worry and FEAR. How do you beat this? Just doing it anyway. I'm not saying it won't be hard and it definitely will be the first couple of times, but eventually the anxiety does not have a hold.

Early in my last anxiety wrecked spell, I had so much trouble going to work until one day I said ya know what? Oh well and just walked out the door. That was soooooo hard to do and was I scared? Oh yeah I was sooo afraid. I kept doing it though and eventually, going to work wasn't so bad.

Its things like these that help us shut up the annoying weak bully that is anxiety and fear.