View Full Version : Please help! Red dot back of mouth?

19-04-16, 17:19
Wtf could this be? I'm awaiting blood results and now terrified I have leukemia.:shrug::weep:

19-04-16, 17:29
A spot in your mouth. Very common. Could be a little ulcer? Nothing serious and no call to worry.

19-04-16, 17:57
Isn't it s sign of leukemia? So bloody scared, throat feels tiny bit sore.

---------- Post added at 17:55 ---------- Previous post was at 17:30 ----------

Seriously terrified.

I don't have any other worrying symptoms. I'm not fatigued, achey, can eat well have plenty of energy.

---------- Post added at 17:57 ---------- Previous post was at 17:55 ----------

I thught I had swollen node but nurse said IT wasng

19-04-16, 18:03
You don't have Leukemia. Once you get the blood results you'll know that. If you did, I'm sure they would be calling you right away. Its so incredibly doubtful.

And a red dot has nothing to do with Leukemia.

19-04-16, 18:12
Probably just a mouth ulcer which is very common. Could be strep throat which is also very common and very treatable.

Leukemia is the worst case scenario and very unlikely, not to mention a red dot at the back of your throat is not even close to indicative of anything but just a sore throat. I had strep last year sometime and had red patches on my throat, it cleared up in 2 days after an injection from the E.R.

19-04-16, 20:01
Reason I worry about Luekemia;

Thought I had swollen lymph node - nurse said no
Had bleeding gums slightly
Red spot at back of throat (petachie)?!

Boyfriend thinks I'm mad.

Sweating blood results :(

19-04-16, 20:30
Most likely an ulcer, I get these all the time.

The nurse has said your lymph nodes are not swollen and bleeding gums is also very common, maybe brushed your teeth hard. You should pick up some Corsodyl mouth wash, it will help with the bleeding gums and ulcers.

19-04-16, 20:43
It happeend Middle of day but I had pressed on gums prior x

19-04-16, 20:52
Oh if only you saw real life petechiae on someone who has blood cancer.

You wouldn't be thinking a red dot was a sign then, trust me.

Your lymph node that isn't swollen can't be a sign if it isn't actually swollen can it?

My gums bleed all the time, I suffer with gum disease. Sometimes I don't have gum disease full blown but they bleed when cleaning them a few times a week.

What happened to the melanoma fear? You have found something else to worry about. Well, logically it just means you are simply just anxious doesn't it? You will forget this one tomorrow and it will be something else. I do the same, it's no judgment of you but try to apply that logic to yourself.

19-04-16, 20:54
Hi Hypo hope you're wrll.

Yes it does conclude my anxiety is to blame, I literally saw someone's post worrying about leukemia and red dot on throat and then went to look at my own. My throat feels a bit iffy tbf so maybe coming down with something? My chap has something similar.

Nurse couldn't feel nodes no.

And Annoyed, I'm how worrying the docs don't have correct number for me :/ I feel fine. Minus this anxiery (and mild mild throat thing)

dizzy daisy
19-04-16, 20:55
Main cause of bleeding gums is infection. I've had red dots in my throat before and it was strep throat. If the dots are raised then likely to be ulcers. Both are common so try not to worry.
You may have just caught your gums with you nail or like previous poster said may have brushed teeth too hard in the morning and caused a bit of a graze which bled when you pressed on it.
Complete blood count are processed by the lab wishing 24 hours max so if you had a blood cancer - or anything sinister you'd have been called by now as cell count would have been all over the place. It's really hard- I'm just the same, even though I know about how bloods are processed- try not to worry. They would call because the lab would spot an abnormality straight away, they would call your GP immediately and the GP would then call you immediately. They don't hang around with things like that hunny xxxx

19-04-16, 23:16
Thank you. Like HYPO said it is one thing to another lately.

I am concerned doctors don't have my right number (which I have had for year)

---------- Post added at 21:27 ---------- Previous post was at 21:01 ----------

Is it not sign of luekemia? I wouldn't have thoght so until I saw it somebody else's post with concern?

---------- Post added at 23:16 ---------- Previous post was at 21:27 ----------

Sorry to keep posting but how likely is it that this is a worry? Can't find anywhere on net!

20-04-16, 05:44
Like people always say on here who have been through, look how many times your worries have come true.

When I see someone moving from illness to illness I think how could someone be so unlucky as to experience all that in their lifetime, let alone in the often short timeframe of a month or so demonstrated on the HA board.

It's one of the classic HA patterns, one fear subsides and another emerges. One pain lessens another, as the old saying goes.

An interesting thing is that strep throat is known to intensify OCD. They are finding how children actually experience bouts of OCD out of nowhere that then subside again...after their strep throat is gone.

20-04-16, 08:48
Thanks Terry

Bit calmer today but still irrational thinking.

I had eye infection jan, sinus infection March and now this throat thing. Does this mean my immune system is f*cked? I kick them all quite quickly and all were quite mild.

A nurse would say if it was raised (node) I guess it's the spot at back of mouth and bleeding gums that make me worry it's leuekemia

20-04-16, 09:06
No, it shows your immune system is working - you kicked them. If your immune system was bad, you wouldn't get rid of them and would need a lot of help. The immune system is tough, it handles a lot for us. They would also not be mild if your immune system wasn't handling everything.

Bleeding gums is most likely something very minor like just from brushing. Flossing causes my gums to bleed from time to time when it cuts them.

When I was at primary school I had about 2 years where I was forever catching coughs, colds, stomach bugs, etc. Those things are always being caught in schools, my mum worked in them for decades and said people are always off with them, but I was getting them more than most kids back then. Then it just stopped.

You also have to remember that stress causes our defences to weaken and you've certainly been under a lot of that! So, some people with higher anxiety find themselves getting sick more (Phil06 has been saying the same as you about constant viruses, and he's under a load of pressure making his OCD worse) and some of us just don't seem to be affected in this way. I don't know why, but it's nothing to worry about since it happens to people regardless of anxiety disorders, I've known people like this and they never had anything worse.

20-04-16, 09:38
I guess so, I take VIT c after someone (think it was you) swore by it. I also sometimes take multivitamin and irons but not often. The colds I get last less than seven days and rarely use cold tabs, paracetmr like at most.

The gums bled in the day but I had pressed them.

20-04-16, 09:42
I dont think you have leucemia ,unfortunately i see people sufering from anxiety have fears of hard desease like cancer ,leucemia ec .I tell you that if you worry all time that you have leucemia its not good ,think at good things

20-04-16, 12:10
I have googled gingivitis (sp) and it looks the same. The red ring is under the tooth that randomly bled. I brush my teeth once a day. Never flossed.

Still worry it's L though.

20-04-16, 20:32
What do we think red dot is? Petachie? I think gum issue may be gigivnities or however it's spelt. I have a dark ring under the tooth that bled and looks swollen.

---------- Post added at 20:32 ---------- Previous post was at 19:53 ----------


20-04-16, 20:51
My daughter had gingivitis . But we only noticed when it was quite bad. Red gums and bleeding a lot. All she was told to do was brush really well with a soft brush so as not to irritate the gums. Three times a day after meals. And floss. And use mouth wash.. It cleared up quite quickly after she did that.

20-04-16, 20:57
Would they bleed randomly?

20-04-16, 21:02
Yes , at any time and not just when she brushed her teeth. And a lot of blood too.

20-04-16, 21:23
Christ I just asked on yahoo answers and someone said it was leukemia :/

20-04-16, 21:44
As a former member of yahoo answers, the people there are morons. The site really went to hell in particular when they reformatted it.

A red dot could be so many harmless things, certainly not leukemia. If you are concerned that the doctors haven't called, can you call and check or make sure they have the right number on file?

But.....once you learn nothing is wrong, will you be able to believe them?

Have you gotten any help for your anxiety yet?

20-04-16, 21:47
Red dot isn't leukemia?

And yes poppy I had self reffered but they don't have any recollection of my name or anything so I need to start again. I'm still very very very nervous abojt these results.

20-04-16, 22:17
I took the liberty of googling it and everything I found was harmless.

A single red dot is not likely to be petechiae. And petechiae alone isn't cause for concern....I used to fear it myself but turns out all kinds of common, harmless things like strain or coughing can cause it.

20-04-16, 22:19
Thank you.

I find with health anxiery I either Google said Symptom and ....cancer or when I'm logical I'll google it with this website tagged in. When I'm sane I don't Google at all.

Do you think these sort of forums ( as great and brilliant as they are) can make some of us worse? Talking about myself for instance. I spend ALOT of time on this site and AZ. It's fuelling my fears.

21-04-16, 01:29
Do you think these sort of forums ( as great and brilliant as they are) can make some of us worse? Talking about myself for instance. I spend ALOT of time on this site and AZ. It's fuelling my fears.

NMP, AZ and Anxiety Central all day, every day, dozens of people unsuccessfully reassuring you all day every day (anytime I logged on you're on) and it just gets worse and worse. What do you think?

In the the three years I've been reading posts on anxiety forums, you're up there in the top 10 of the OMG! category.

I agree, the forums, while beneficial that you know you're not alone and there's a cathartic benefit in writing out your thoughts, fears and feelings, it can and is detrimental in that it feeds your illness. If you have the inner fortitude to move away from this crutch and move toward healing, there is a sliver of light in you recovering.

I stay away from your posts and messages as I can see someone in a spiral that no words can help but I do hope that something in this reply hits home. Three sites, all day every day and you're still spiraling. I think you know the answer to your question. The question is whether you listen to yourself.

Good luck Reb. I hope you find the path to healing. I'll be the first to cheer you on.

Positive thoughts

21-04-16, 07:21
I agree 100% with Fishmanpa. These forums can be such a help if we use them in the right way. But overdosing on them can only feed our condition.
I've found a lot of help here, but that's because I'm looking for it.
I like to think that I help others too but if they ignore all the advice and continue to rant then I walk away. Sometimes a person needs professional help.

21-04-16, 13:02
I know Im a pain in the arse but I can't help but worry.

I spat out a rusty coloured spit sfter having a metallic Taste.
Is this related to what I think is gum issue? I can't shake this feeling something is wrong despite feeling fine. Still waiting on bloods, had bp and chest and lungs tested week ago and was ok.

I don't think I have throat cancer. I have no risk factors I don't know what I'm worroed about.

---------- Post added at 13:02 ---------- Previous post was at 12:57 ----------

I spat blood Saturday after forcing spit three:four times and eventually blood was there. Bleeding gums for a second the other day after pressing them.

Leuekemia? Throat cancer? Sinus cancer?

21-04-16, 13:30
Health anxiety.

21-04-16, 13:36
Why am I having blood in my spit randomly? Intenet is like 'THIS IS SERIOUS!' But I find forums where a few of us have had it.

I'm so scared.

21-04-16, 16:28
Do you see a dentist regularly? It could simply be gingivitis and nothing serious at all.

21-04-16, 17:13
Haven't been doctors in over ten years. Wow.

---------- Post added at 17:13 ---------- Previous post was at 17:09 ----------


21-04-16, 19:00
You can help it.

You can help posting stupid questions on Yahoo answers.

Why did you expect them to reassure you? Or were you trying to worry more? Out of all the places to ask and you chose that place?

What can anyone else say that we haven't here?

I sound harsh, but turn off your computer for a bit and go and live real life. Stop posting multiple posts all over the internet, you are avoiding living. You are worried about dying but are you really living now?

This needs to stop. You can't wait for your therapy. You need help now. Go back to your GP and print out every thread you have started everywhere to show him/her how ill you are.

In the mean time stop scaring yourself by googling and posting in yahoo answers. You aren't doing yourself any favours.

Get out of the cycle and go and live. You have some responsibility or your illness, not for having it, not for struggling with it but for not fighting enough, posting questions on yahoo answers and googling is not fighting and we simply can't help you here until you begin to help yourself.

I have had an awful period of anxiety and posted twice. I listened to the advice and I'm fighting with every ounce of strength I have in me. Now you do the same.

21-04-16, 20:00
But hypo my gums bleed now and then.

This scares me.

This makes me worry I have leukaemia.

I feel fine. But my gums bleed.

Just for instance. I got taste in mouth no blood but check teeth and have crisp stuck so gum bleeding if I look closer.

It's not always a crisp.

21-04-16, 20:34
10 years is a very long time to not see a dentist. Could you make an appointment? Dentists do oral checks now, so they'd be able to tell you if anything is wrong and how to best take care of your teeth.

Mine last time did a whole X-Ray scan of my head....it was pretty neat to see what my skull looks like!

I know what it's like to be in that spiral where it is so, so hard to take advice or get help. But you NEED help. How is your family support system? I know you've said they get frustrated with you, but would it do you any good to approach them and tell them you know you have a problem and need some of their support/assistance right now?

Honestly, you're at a point where I think you need to print these threads and show them to your family first and let them help you. Perhaps they can book a GP and dental appointment for you, to start. It may even help for them to come with you to the GP, threads in hand, and help you advocate for some mental health treatment.

I'm 24 and initiated my healing process by going alone to counseling. After that, though, I had HELP. My mom actually made my GP appointment, and the second one I went to she even came in with me. My GP's assistant made my psych appointment for me.

I know your system works differently and not everyone is lucky to have the support system I do...but please, do try.

Have you considered making a thread on here purely for support purposes - not to ask about symptoms or to find reassurance, but to get feedback on speaking to your family, going the the doctor, etc. Essentially a thread entirely focused on your fight to get better.

21-04-16, 20:44
Does nobody think this is luekemia at all any shape or form?

21-04-16, 20:47
Reb read what Poppy wrote she gave some good suggestions.

21-04-16, 20:48
See? That is how you respond to every post telling you to work on your anxiety.

You aren't interested in responses that try to help you deal with your anxiety, you just want to talk about your 'symptoms'

What do you want me to say? It's not cancer? And then what? You will post something else tomorrow and we start again.

You aren't getting any more reassurance from me because at this point I believe that when you get it it's not helping at all.

YOU need to reassure yourself, you need to keep off google, you need to turn your PC off for a while and live life. Until you take basic steps to help yourself you won't get better. CBT is not a magical cure and you have to work hard. How is that going to help you if you can't begin to help yourself by doing a basic thing like stop posting on multiple forums about the same symptoms all day long.

Time to stop feeling like a victim to the illness and time to start fighting. It's hard, all of us here have to fight all the bloody time, but we try and we take basic steps to help ourselves.

I don't understand why you replied to me with a list of symptoms? I talk about helping yourself and you give me a list of symptoms?

Start helping yourself. I can tell you that you are ok until I'm blue in the face.. but that's just it, I will be blue in the face while you carry on asking the same questions and not listening.

Time to get off the rollercoaster my love and start fighting this.

I sound harsh, but you need to hear it. Stop worrying about dying when you are leading a half life already. Do you think my kids dad acted like this when he was dying and had two weeks to live? No, he carried on living his life as much as was possible. I see people dying all the time, they live, they carry on until they can no longer do so, they don't waste precious time on forums. That's because you have an anxiety problem, not a physical one. But christ, it is hard seeing you wasting all these weeks/months thinking about dying when people who really are dying get on with life while they can.

I know I'm ill right now with anxiety. It's horrible, I'm struggling but I'm fighting. I have periods where I can't fight very hard but I never stop trying. Like hell is this illness taking me down without a big fight on its hands.

I told you a few times that I lost my ex husband to blood cancer. I only brought him up to reassure you that you don't have it as you would be really ill by now. It didn't make a difference. Reassurance only helps a few people in a bad period where they just need some reassurance so they can go on and fight it themselves.

I am not being nasty for the sake of it. You need a good bloody shake to start fighting this yourself.

Start now. Tomorrow do something, stop your life revolving around these forums. Go live the life that you are blessed to have.

21-04-16, 20:51
At some point you have to start taking control of your HA, Reb. Listen to what Hypo says? She must find it very hard to read your posts yet she has taken the time to try to help you. You are not a helpless victim here.

21-04-16, 21:33
Only brush teeth once a day, never floss, don't see a dentist. .... I'm no expert but I'd hazard a guess it's gum disease :shrug:

21-04-16, 21:49
I genuinley do listen and read everything you lot say. I do.

I made a decision today to cut down on the sites but then I got that taste and spat out that rusty salvia. It's horrible having something you can see.

I am sorry I'm like this, mostly sorry for myself. I feel like I'm losing control. As mentioned j had self reffered and they lost me so I have to start again,

I need blood results (still bricking) and then I will see a nurse.

Sometimes i cry because I feel nobody really listens to me at home. Everyone sighs and huffs and ouffs. Even if I'm trying to be logical 'I may have gum disease' I get no you donts.

It does drain my personality, there are times I zone out during conversation because I'm worrying about symptpms. I was just in cinema and started freaking because I tasted blood.

Hypo, I esprically thank you. You didn't have to mention your ex and I understand it's a sensitive subject and possibly frustrating with someone like me.

I see another member posting daily with new things and funnily enough I eye roll and want to shake this kid yet here I am! I was concerned about freckles again today even though had them looked at last week and on Monday!

I want to know how to tackle the blood in spit issue?

21-04-16, 21:53
Reb, I'd bet my year's pay that it's not leukemia. Of course I'm a uni student employee working for minimum wage, so, it's not much.... :winks:

I'm sure you're reading the posts here, but perhaps you can post your thoughts on your anxiety and NOT your symptoms/reassurance? What do you think you need right now, aside from people telling you time and again that you don't have X or Y disease? Do you think you can talk to your family? Do you think you can talk to your GP?

I believe it gets frustrating for many when it feels like good advice - and you've gotten great advice as pertains to your anxiety - falls on deaf ears. As Hypo said, to get out of this mess you have to fight the anxiety and not just post symptoms all the time.

I do think if you made a good faith effort to construct a game plan, you'd receive all kinds of encouraging support. Even if you were curious as to what to do first, you'd get great advice. But then, you already have.

I do remember another poster (I'm sure there has been many) who was really struggling like you...she started medication and I honestly haven't seen her around too much. Hopefully she's doing better. Hopefully you can too.

21-04-16, 21:59
She's doing a lot better Poppy, if it's the same one, spends a lot of time offline from here, looking to up her meds and back in therapy.
I now don't comment when I see people in these spirals, because of the woman I think we're both referring too as it does nothing to help that person, they are beyond reassurance from strangers and that's the point they need to reach sometimes to find a way back out.
Reb, I wish you every luck with finding a treatment for your anxiety that suits you, sometimes it's trial and error, but you will get there.

21-04-16, 22:03
It's horrible having something you can see.

Yes, it is. I've been there. When you can't see it it's so much easier to say "it's just anxiety".

I am sorry I'm like this, mostly sorry for myself. I feel like I'm losing control. As mentioned j had self reffered and they lost me so I have to start again,

That's awful. I don't know how your system works, but from what I've seen and from my experience, I count my blessings over here (and ours is far, far from perfect!). Is there any way your GP can help you refer?

Sometimes i cry because I feel nobody really listens to me at home. Everyone sighs and huffs and ouffs. Even if I'm trying to be logical 'I may have gum disease' I get no you donts.

I wonder if they'd be more receptive if they were aware of your extreme anxiety? Have you approached them with that idea? Unfortunately not every family is understanding, but perhaps if you printed off some threads and showed them, they'd get a clearer picture of what's going on?

When I first approached my mom for help it had been 8+ years I'd suffered with it and she had no idea.

I want to know how to tackle the blood in spit issue?

For that, I really do think you need to see a dentist. They'll know exactly how to help.

---------- Post added at 21:03 ---------- Previous post was at 21:01 ----------

She's doing a lot better Poppy, if it's the same one, spends a lot of time offline from here, looking to up her meds and back in therapy.
I now don't comment when I see people in these spirals, because of the woman I think we're both referring too as it does nothing to help that person, they are beyond reassurance from strangers and that's the point they need to reach sometimes to find a way back out.
Reb, I wish you every luck with finding a treatment for your anxiety that suits you, sometimes it's trial and error, but you will get there.

That's good to hear! :yesyes:

You're probably right...but having been there myself it's so hard to not try and help.

I really do hope you can find your way out of this thicket, Reb.

21-04-16, 22:06
I want to know how to tackle the blood in spit issue?

Brush more? See your dentist? Get a tooth cleaning? I brushed pretty hard this morning spit and had blood, its very common and I'm due for a cleaning.

However, as HA sufferers we tend to test things to either make sure it IS or it ISNT still happening.

I had this lump on my stomach (or so I thought, just fat lol), and I kept prodding it, pinching it, pushing it all day. I then developed pain and was convinced I had stomach cancer.

However, I stopped messing with it after having a CT scan Ultrasound and several doctors trying to find it but they could not even when I showed a couple doctors where it was.

My mind still thinks its there even now yet I have no pain there anymore really.

I swear I'd spend almost all day testing it trying to make sense of it. In the end it was nothing and I've had that for about 4 years almost

21-04-16, 22:36
I think I may now which member you're on about I yhink She left as I joined.

The nurse who took bloods/looked at freckles said I can go back to her to refer me for anxiety if i don't hear anything. She was lovely. I almost cried in front of her. She didnt have to but she asked about my anxiety and why I thought it started. And I jnow! Ive spoken with some of you privately and mentioned in some posts when an why it started it's just stopping it. I had Ocd as a kid and I beat that then. I say kid I was 15. Health anxiety IS OCD. It is. We prod, we check, we google, we prod, we check and google. I was looking at a new freckle earlier lol. *New one to worry, not a brand new freckle.

It's like I'll have a postive attitude and then the blood taste comes. And then I spit and check. And then panic.

My teeth look like they have plaque on, I'm going to use corsodyl and floss and see if there's improvements.

Calling docs about results tomorrow too :/

---------- Post added at 22:36 ---------- Previous post was at 22:34 ----------

Hi Holds, ive seen you comment on a few posts and you're very assuring to us all so thanks for that.

Ive always bled when brushing teeth. Not EVERY time but most, like 8/10.
Just thought it was normal. My mom does, my boy Dan does.

It's just that bled in day and not after brush.

21-04-16, 22:44
Brush twice a day, once after breakfast and once before bed. That's a minimum standard usually drummed into us as children by our parents. I let mine drift to once though with all this. Personal hygiene routines commonly suffer with these mental health issues.

See a dentist too.

As far as mental health treatment goes, you could push the angle of them losing you in the system. I got bounded around when I was really bad and it was the last thing I needed but I complained that I had been disadvantaged by their mistakes and got bumped up the list.

Beyond that, a GP is at the mercy of the system and unless it's a question of sectioning, which it won't be for you, they will only have the option of meds. The rest is private treatment which can be accessed quickly.

See if you can be bumped up the list. If not, it's meds or waiting. If it comes to waiting, don't spend all that time posting about the context, talk about the disorder instead and put in time reading self help resources and trying their suggestions (but don't get ripped off by the con artists either).

HA isn't just OCD Reb, it covers a range of disorders but because of this it does mean differences in behaviours. With you suffering from OCD in the past, it's highly likely that your HA is just a new aspect of that.

21-04-16, 22:53
It's funny because I can recognise some symptoms and see them logically. I felt dizzy today but it's the week before my *ahem* visit from Aunt Flo and this is common for me.

Yet other times I'm like AH SOMETHING IS SO VERY WRONG

Terry would you agree that HA is OCD though? And yes, thanks for agreeing in the seeing is worse. I have a freckle on my atm and another on my inner thigh I was letting self worry about on top of this blood cancer worry.

So blood in spit is most likely gum disease? Is this the conclusion of the essay of my strange rambling. If this was you would you pick up dental hygiene.

21-04-16, 23:17
Yes, OCD is one of the disorders under HA. Remember HA isn't a medical diagnostic term. It's like how in OCD we mention POCD, HOCD, ROCD, etc. These are terms sufferers use to talk about individual elements of their disorder, they are not medical terms. So, in OCD HA is just another aspect of the larger disorder... maybe someone will coin it HAOCD at some point?

The point I try to make is that different disorders can mean differences in behaviour. We see this on here because some people chase test after test and some are terrified of the tests. These differences in pattern may mean different disorders and so what works for one doesn't always work for another. It's obviously more complicated than this as personality will play a part too, upbringing, experience, etc. On this basis I'm often unsure and is worth knowing what the person's diagnosis is as it could change elements of treatment.

However a lot of the good advice will overlap. Hypo talked about cutting down on compulsions. I know from experience of my own OCD that not everyone can simply unplug but that means switching to an elimination technique like ERP shows. So, rather than cold turkey the compulsion, reduce it bit by bit and after a while it starts to get easier.

I would also say use self help techniques like relaxation to bring down your overall anxiety levels. Higher background anxiety levels increase compulsive activity.

Your last question only matters what you think. Your subconscious is going to keep prodding you and putting doubts into your mind. However consciously you make your own decision and work on changing that incorrect anxiety response from the subconscious. Until you do things like this, through whatever method, this cycle will just continue with whatever lump, bump, bruise or anything else that is a trigger for you.

22-04-16, 00:35
Ive worked out bleeding gums is from the same two: bottom ones, two of them, I just did a spit check. Nothing. Rubbed gums nothing and the rubbed these two and then bleeding. What does this suggest.

Serious dental question.

---------- Post added at 00:35 ---------- Previous post was at 00:34 ----------

And thanks Terry and everyone I have read your replies.

22-04-16, 01:14
That you are purposely making them bleed by rubbing them until blood appears. If its a serious dental question, you need to see a dentist. Nobody can say anymore than has already been said.

22-04-16, 07:21
I need to make dentist appointment but can't afford til next end of next week. In meantime I'll use a mouthwash; corsodyl or listerine or other?

22-04-16, 07:24
Yeah, mouthwash is a good idea. Floss is too but this can cause you to cut your gums at times, so if it's painful it might be worth waiting on that one.

There will be a number you can call that tells you which dentists in your area accept NHS patients. I had to do this a few years back and found a really well priced one, and they are also very good, but I have to travel a bit for them.

Good oral hygiene could help with infections too. Less bacteria building up so it's worth doing.

22-04-16, 08:11
I have OCD, been diagnosed with it for a long time.

I argued with my dr about this. He told me this wasn't OCD but I disagree! My thought patterns, the checking behaviour and then the anxiety works exactly the same as my OCD does.

I mean you can have HA without OCD but I haven't found there to be any difference with how HA and OCD works.

Please please reconsider talking to your doctor about meds. I fear you aren't in a good enough place to be receptive of CBT. Like I said before, I might be wrong but please discuss it with your GP at least.

---------- Post added at 08:11 ---------- Previous post was at 08:08 ----------

I need to make dentist appointment but can't afford til next end of next week. In meantime I'll use a mouthwash; corsodyl or listerine or other?


Don't be scared of the blood. When you see blood you need to keep brushing. Lots of people see blood and brush gently, no, you need to keep brushing throughly despite the blood.

I just spat blood, I'm due for a clean. I have two receding gums at the bottom with pockets so food get stuck in them (nice huh?) they bleed quite a bit. I always have a gum that bleeds and I look after my teeth well, I have never had a filling but I get gum disease.

That will account for the funny taste in your mouth as well. A good clean from the dentist should sort that.

22-04-16, 08:29
Thanks Hypo.

I am trying CBT First I don't want to try meds at the moment. I know I'm bad currently but ive got myself in a spiral. I have made a promise to muself that once I get my bloods back (STILL convinced something is wrong/got wrong number) I am quitting these sites and taking charge. I used to be in control of it and I will be again.

As ever Im not anti anyone using meds but I have my reasons and believe in self enough to let CBT give IT a go.

I just paid 5.50 for a giginvitus (spelt properly for once??!) listerine so will give this a go for a week, brush twice and see what happens.

Hypo, would yours bleed randomly? I say that as I bite my teeth now.

22-04-16, 08:42
Yeah, mine bleed randomly. This morning in fact.

You don't need to quit these sites Reb, just use them to get help for taking control of your anxiety. The problem seems to be that you are on them pretty much all the time which isn't helping your anxiety. This is a great place but it's also important to go out there and live in the real world a bit as this will help take the focus off your health.

This place has been invaluable to me, but at times it has also kept me in the cycle and if I'm not feeling strong I can end up taking on other people's fears as well.

There is no need to quit them, but it might be a good idea to make plans so you are getting out for a while every day. Gentle walking is great, maybe read a book to take your mind away from your health. I would like to hear how you are doing. Take control Reb, small baby steps, one hour at a time.

This is the first time I've heard some fighting talk from you and it brought tears to my eyes! You are right, you will be in control again Reb. You have a fight on your hands and I don't know about you but I don't want my own head to screw my life up? We are in control of the illness part of our brain, we are stronger than that. Find the fight it really works. I sound mad when I talk to my own head.. I have a period of bad illness where it wins then I go into fighting mode and I talk to my head and tell it that it's not going to keep winning.

That might sound crazy but it works for me thinking like that, seeing it as it's own being and something to fight and win.

We can't help having a mental illness, that isn't our fault, but we can try to get better, we can use the tools which are proven to work and we can fight.

22-04-16, 08:46
When you said you were in the cinema earlier my thought was instantly "turn off your phone".

I used to obsessively clock watch and my therapist said to not carry a watch or anything with the time on. I couldn't do this because of being late to appointments so she said to make it as difficult as I could to access them. So, the watch was left at home and my phone was stuffed inside a pocket underneath a load of crap that made it a pain to get out.

So, get out into the real world but don't take these sites with you, switch off. Otherwise you never truly escape them and will feel tempted to keep "watching".

23-04-16, 00:39
Picking up my blod results tomorrow. Half expecting a 'we've tried to call you' 'please sit down for some bad news'


---------- Post added 23-04-16 at 00:24 ---------- Previous post was 22-04-16 at 22:24 ----------

Red dot has faded a lot too.

Now thinking a tiny freckle on my arm has changed.

But I have accepted my gum issues as a dental issue.

Baby steps.

---------- Post added at 00:39 ---------- Previous post was at 00:24 ----------

Off to get blood results tomorrow, still bricking it but also very calm. It's kike an angel devil shouder arguing over how I should be feeling.

Ive taken steps to sort gum issue rather than whine and worry. Touch wood no blood today.

Was worried about feckles on atm but saw photo from last year and they've always looked this way.

Baby steps

23-04-16, 03:23
Sounds very harmless to me, no need to worry. Get spots in my mouth a lot too :)