View Full Version : Memory issues?

19-04-16, 18:18
Hi everyone,
I've had it brought to my attention that I am rather forgetful, not of everything, some important things still go in and stay there, but I forget lots of little things- in a way its great because rather than fretting about a certain date in the future I'll not think about it because I can't recall when it is! My memory was never great (as far as I recall) but I just wondered if anyone else has found themselves forgetful on citalopram??

19-04-16, 19:13
Yes I am very forgetful right now (2 weeks @ 10 & 16 days @ 20), but I can't remember (lol) last time I was on Cit if this side effect went away. However I prefer to be forgetful over being depressed and anxious so i don't even care.

19-04-16, 20:25
I feel a bit forgetful but I think it's because of how tired I am on citalopram! X

20-04-16, 08:07
I don't know if this helps Mark but it's April now and you still have a Xmas turkey on your head? :winks::biggrin:

I don't know about due to Cit but I've certainly had memory issues with anxiety in general. Serotonin does work with some forms of memory and regulates so that would make sense.

Sometimes if you are having things like brain fog or a lack of concentration, I think it's just going to impact on memory as we are already struggling with cognition.

20-04-16, 10:34
My memory is shocking since I started on Citalopram. But of course, I was started on Citalopram for anxiety so I'm sure it's the anxiety that causes it & not the medication. I have to write everything down now. Weirdly I'm fine at work when I've got a million things to remember though!

20-04-16, 13:17
my memory is shocking as well, I forget everything and cant remember what I did yesterday sometimes. I am not sure if this is due to long term AD usage but I find I cannot think as quickly as I can when off them.


20-04-16, 16:31
Cit can absolutely worsen short term memory, but Im not sure why. My memory has improved since discontinuing. Anxiety definitely plays a part, though.

20-04-16, 19:19
I don't know if this helps Mark but it's April now and you still have a Xmas turkey on your head? :winks::biggrin:

I forgot to take a photo of my Easter Egg head, however I will get some sunflowers planted in my ears ready for summer!:winks:

Seems like i'm not alone in my forgetfulness anyway, it's very interesting, mind after reading the scary "side effects" sheet that comes with the medication I am counting my blessings i'm not getting any of the other range of weird and wonderful things they mention.
Plus it brings my cheeky girlfriend hours of entertainment laughing at my forgetful ways!:roflmao: