View Full Version : Nervous wreck and depressed

08-03-07, 13:49
I thought I was doing well but apparently not. My depression and anxiety are back big time...both together this time which has never happenned before. I met a lovely guy recently and we seemed to hit it off and and we've been texting and stuff and he asked me out and said he'd ring me but haven't heard anything for nearly two weeks. I'm trying to take it easy coz I know he's got a lot on his plate at the mo including a friend who's seriously ill but at the same time I'm thinking 'it's hopeless, he's gone off me, I'm going to die alone' ect. Every time the phone rings I jump thinking that's him I can't handle it ect. Rediculous.

Also yesterday I went to a tribunal to appeal for DLA which I was turned down for twice previously on paper. They were nice enough to me (which was a relief) but they denied me DLA on the grounds that I am 'intelligent enough to cope'. To me that's discrimination. I have a physical disability as well as mental health problems and to me that's syaing all disabled people are thick. My caseworker said we might be able to pick up on something along these lines in the small print and take it further. She also suggested I get further medical evidence. Has anyone else had experince of this who could offer advice?

08-03-07, 13:58
Hi Polly,

As regards the first thing hun, I don't think it would be out of order to text this guy to say hello and how are things with him?? If he answers then good, if he doesn't answer to such casual text then perhaps leave the ball in his court and try and distract yourself with other people.

Regarding the second thing - I am sort of discussing incapacity benefit on my thread 'Pathways to work' if you have anything you feel you could offer on any knowledge of this then do please add to my thread your experiences so far.

Love Piglet :flowers:

08-03-07, 21:50
Well I've thought about texting him and often it seems like a perfectly ok thing to do in fact sometimes I feel I should do it seeing as what he has ggoing on but I can't find the guts. I'm thinking what if what if what if an making myself ill. I made myself so ill I thought I was going to pass out and had to take a valium. I don't want to lose this guy but I know delaying things won't help. Just don't know why if he's so keen wy hasn't he been in touch :-(

Will have a look at your other thread when my head's mre together Piglet. I will look though.