View Full Version : Thoughts of dying before 30? Is all fear rooted from the fear of death?

19-04-16, 20:57
I have always had morbid thoughts that i will die young either some tragic accident or rare disease. Obviously i suffer badly from health anxiety but it's something i am seeking help for and i do get hopeful, but i can't shake the constant belief that i will not make it to 30 years old, I'm 25, when my partner says that i have got the rest of my life, i just genuinely don't believe that i will have a long life and i can't accept it.

I know that nobody can predict the future so nobody ever really knows for sure, but surely it's not normal to actually believe you're going to die, it really gets me down i just wish someone or something could tell me "You will get to old age!!" so i could finally breathe out. It's so illogical that i am wasting the time i've got now on here moaning to you lovely people about dying early :doh:

Anyone feel the same

19-04-16, 21:17
Has something happened recently that caused these fears to either manifest or get worse? Recent death in the family? Some event you saw? Anything that wasnt too traumatic but sparked that fear we all get?

In any case yes all people die, some people die young although very unlikely. I would get so much fear that I too wished someone knew my future and said hey you will grow old so don't freak out! Of course no one knows. However why waste time worrying about this? Enjoy your life for now, you could live to 100+ years and spend all that time wasting it worrying when the end is near.

I don't think people should completely ignore death because it happens for all, but I do believe people should ignore the fear of it, hey it happens to everyone it doesn't discriminate so why worry?

I myself don't know if it'll happen next year, next decade, next century even with all the medical advances we are making, but I don't pretend its that long neither do I pretend its coming soon either. Accepting it sooner than later and then moving on from it does help.

19-04-16, 22:33
Yeah i agree and need to work on my acceptance, i suppose i have always sat and feared death from a young age, i've witnessed a few traumatic events and obviously heard(like all of us) terrible stories of people dying young.
I think i just can't get my head around it, the fact that i will die and there will be a time when i do not exist or my partner or mum and dad. I know it probably sounds so silly people die and lose loved ones everyday but it's something that really eats away at me, and i can never see a future for myself like my subconscious is continuously reminding me i will not live for long.

19-04-16, 23:03
I'm there with you Katie! It's awful. Mine stems from teading and watching news a lot as s kid and horror stories in there but I didn't have google then do it didn't grow!

19-04-16, 23:05
Its terrible, i know that nobody obviously likes the thought of dying or not existing but they don't think about it all the time which is healthy, but it crosses my mind daily and i can't seem to budge it, it's like i'm mentally preparing myself for it.
I suppose it's just another thing i need to work on with regards to intrusive thoughts

19-04-16, 23:10
I was worrying earlier regards my blood tests and the worst possible news, I let it affect my meal with my boyfriend. I find if I talk out loud my worries I hear how weird they sound.

Still worry though!

19-04-16, 23:11
Repeating "I am fine now, I am not dying right now and everything is fine" everyday and practicing that helps.

Then! Start listing the things you're grateful for such as, I am alive, I can breathe, I have food, money, family a job etc. Do this everyday and that fear of death slowly loses its grasp and you'll be able to not so much have no fear, but it won't bother you because you are present, you are focusing on RIGHT NOW rather than the future.

19-04-16, 23:24
Repeating "I am fine now, I am not dying right now and everything is fine" everyday and practicing that helps.

Then! Start listing the things you're grateful for such as, I am alive, I can breathe, I have food, money, family a job etc. Do this everyday and that fear of death slowly loses its grasp and you'll be able to not so much have no fear, but it won't bother you because you are present, you are focusing on RIGHT NOW rather than the future.

Thanks for that, i started reading a book The power of now, i think i will return to it tomorrow as that's all about living in the present moment

19-04-16, 23:29
A member messaged me the name of a book he reccomended, hang on.

---------- Post added at 23:29 ---------- Previous post was at 23:28 ----------

It's called Worried Sick.

19-04-16, 23:29
wrong post, deleted

19-04-16, 23:30
Repeating "I am fine now, I am not dying right now and everything is fine" everyday and practicing that helps.

Then! Start listing the things you're grateful for such as, I am alive, I can breathe, I have food, money, family a job etc. Do this everyday and that fear of death slowly loses its grasp and you'll be able to not so much have no fear, but it won't bother you because you are present, you are focusing on RIGHT NOW rather than the future.

Hi Holds, ive even had a nurse tell me this! She was adamant j needed to focus on little things I'm looking forward to and not worrying about silly things. But to us HA sufferers they aren't little and silly. It's taking control and charge.