View Full Version : Please help with Lyme results..

19-04-16, 21:26
I'm so confused cdc says you have to have 5 or more bands but I'm really worried right now as I'm pregnant

19-04-16, 21:29
Here's pic

19-04-16, 21:32
Based on the two images you've shown about this that say "Negative" all over them, you're good.

Positive thoughts

19-04-16, 22:01
Fish is correct. To back him up, you can see at the bottom that you need atleast 5 reactives in the top IGG group and atleast 2 in the bottom.

The reactives just means there are antibodies in you that could fight Lyme disease, but also fight other viruses if my understanding is correct.

So yes. You're negative.

19-04-16, 22:22
Did you ask your doctor?

10-05-16, 03:59
its negative.also why did you had a western blot?an elisa is done first due to high sensitivity this test is done to confirm the elisa.if the elisa wich is a cheaper test have been negative.this one is not necessary.there is a great deal on the internet and if you google your symptoms like everyone here does youre gonna find lyme sooner or later but most of the people that share their random symptoms dont have real lyme its another made up disease called chronic lyme created by some quacks with a big cult like "sufferers" that support.its a scam and is fake.and i almost fell for it.