View Full Version : Really struggling today :-(

08-03-07, 14:25
Hi All,

I've been trying so hard lately to try and ignore my symptoms in the hope that they would go away. I've been getting recurring headaches for a few months now, doctors says it's anxiety / stress related. I finally started to beleive that and the all over pain eased off, great!! but now a new pain has started, its one I've had before but its really really starting to make me panic. It feels like pressure on the back of my head on the right hand side, it feels like someone is pulling my hair in that area or like the scalp is grazed. I've also noticed a tender point (sore to touch) on the back of my head near where the pain is coming from.

This pain seems to be there most of the time to varying degrees but does seem to ease off during the night then get worse as the day goes on. I know that my doctor will say it's anxiety but I'm worried this type of pain isn't just a tension headache its not like normal tension headaches (i.e. all over)

I couldn't help it and googled (I know bad move) now I think I have an anurysm that's growing and getting ready to burst and I can feel myself getting more and more panicky just waiting for something horrible to happen.

Does anyone else get these strange pains / sensations in the back of their head??

Sorry to waffle on a bit, just needed to get this out and ask for help.



jude uk
08-03-07, 16:42
Yea I had headaches for ages and then went for a scan but nothing. When we suffer from anxiety we sometimes dont believe that "nothing" is wrong with us because the "feelings" are so strong.

Becki this is the place to waffle on about issues because this is the pleace for support and a place that no one is going to judge you.


08-03-07, 18:24
hey becki
i get exactly the same symptoms as you. i sometimes can actually touch the pain as if its a spot in my head but its not!!!!!
It can also feel like a sore bruise too, pain killers help a little but im sure that its just tension........ evil tension

luv tracie xx

Dan D
08-03-07, 18:36

There are so many symptoms of an aneurysm, but generally you do not feel any untill it actually ruptures which will cause sever headache, numb back; sensitivity to light, dilated pupils...

so i don't think you have one. Pains there can be caused by a simple tension in the trapeze muscle (the one that branches between your neck and shoulder, bodybuilders have massive ones). Sometimes tightening the muscle will cause a build up of lactic acid and blood which can offer the burning effect that sometimes is easy to mistake for something serious.

Try http://www.netfit.co.uk/stretching.htm. If that doesn't work, try going for a massage.

08-03-07, 18:52
hey hun, i really can understand with you

i get bad tension , on my left side, right beside my throat and shoulders ( where they both meet. feels like someone is pressing into me, get so bad that it goes up the left side of my face and makes my eye hurt and my ear feel like it is being crushed.
sometimes it even goes onto my left breast.

but IT IS JUST ANXIETY. and mamoor and trac will tell you how bad i am ( sorry girls you know i love you)

but i promise you its all anxiety,
the method of acceptance that you mentioned really does help though we all do have set back, and sometimes they can last for a few weeks at the most.

but look at it from this point of view, are you are worse off than the worst bout of anx and tension you ever had.

also just a thought, maybe you are laying on that side in your sleep huni and clutching onto to yourself.

if you need to chat pm me or msn me, my addy is on my profile.

steve xxx

Freaky Chick
08-03-07, 21:57
Hey Becki

Dan D is right, you generally don't know you've got an aneyrism until it bursts. SO i think it highly unlikely - please try not to worry too much about it.

Your body does sometimes give you refferred pain - that's when the pain is felt a distance from the site causing it - a common one is shoulder pain with a gassy tummy.

Your headaches are most likely tension, and the sore spot, could also be a referred pain from tension in your shoulders and neck, becasue there is so much tension there.

I must say, that if you can manage to get to a massuse, I've found massage a great help - I've had 1 a month since i've been unwell - just back, neck and shoulders and it has really really helped with, various aches and pains, anxiety, and being able to sleep. I highly recommend it. Also going to the Gym or doing something really energetic i found helps me too. I'm seriously considering taking up boxercise, my Gym instructor thinks it will really help!

Hope this helps, it's nasty when headaches won't go, so have a huge:hugs: as well.

Freaky chick

09-03-07, 10:12
Thanks everyone!! I knew you would make me feel better and help put my mind at rest. Thanks for the advice, I'm off to the Gym this afternoon and have booked a massage to try and releive the tension in my neck. I'm also going to try really really hard to ignore the pain and stop touching the sore point as I'm sure that's making it worse!

Thanks again it really has helped:yesyes:


09-03-07, 16:45
Hi Becki,

Hope the massage worked, im even considering it myself!

Just wanted to say that ive had bad moments of those pains too and still to this day i get the sore spot on the top of my head. For most of my life ive had a fear that every migraine/pain/twinge is a brain heamorage!! Like you, no matter how much i tell myself don't be silly i still have the need to find reasurrance from others! I have found that panicking when the pain comes on makes it worse...... have you????

I can defo say that its all anxiety/stressfull days and panic that causes it! I have gone to doctors for years on and off and they have always thoroughly checked out my eyes and other body functions for tumours/heomarages etc etc....... i have just about finally accepted them (not that it does'nt scare me) just im less panicky now as i talk out loud and tell myself "ive had these loads, its just stress, it will go".

Recently i was advised about Cranial Osteapathy as this can cure migraines/tension headaches and all sorts and its about £50 a session. Maybe that would be of interest to you.

Anyway, sorry to go on just wanted to reassure you. Feel free to pm me any time.


09-03-07, 17:25
If you are really genuinly concerned go see your doc! Its probably anxiety but if its making you feel worse by worrying dont worry go and see them, after all thats what there paid for xx