View Full Version : Scared of not getting better

20-04-16, 11:41
Hi guys, please can anyone help... I am off work with GAD and I am petrified that I will not get better and lose my job etc. I guess it's a common trait, but I am worried about being anxious and panicking about never getting better. Will I recover? Am I ever going to be able to get on with my life? I am starting to get suicidal thoughts because I don't think I can live like this!! I have googled GAD and it says people will have it for life. I can not handle feeling like this forever!

I am currently on 30mg of citalopram and trying to get some Councling.

20-04-16, 12:17
I'm similar to you, feel like will never get better. I've tried various meds to limited effect. I worry that I will never get better, but then I remember the periods I have when feel good and that makes it worthwhile, and cross my fingers that some med will have an effect on me eventually.
Is this the only med you have tried? How long have you had GAD?
I've did counselling, but as their was no specific bad point in my life I found it of limited use. I am cursed with bad genes when it comes to this

20-04-16, 12:58
It is absolutely possible to get better. Anybody can get better. You have it in you, I assure you. The reason you might not hear so much about people's recoveries is that these people don't necessarily frequent anxiety forums. They just get on with their lives. Yes, some people do stay stuck for a very long time, but that doesn't mean you have to.

20-04-16, 14:35
Thank you so much 'severError' you have made me feel a little better, I just keep telling my self that this is just a bad episode and that I will eventually be ok. It just that it's been quite a few months now. And in the past this feeling has only ever lasted a couple of weeks at the most, now I the panick is self perpetuating coz I am worrying about not getting better! It's like a vicious circle, but your kind words have helped.

20-04-16, 14:39
is this the first time in your life you have felt this way?

20-04-16, 21:43
I feel the same way. I've had anxiety my whole adult life (since 26 and am now 45) but it's mainly been panic attacks leading up to known situations so I always managed it okay knowing that once I'd go through whatever it was (flying was BIG one), things would feel better.

Now, I've been in a bit of a mess since October last year, had some bad medication experiences which turned panic attacks into constant anxiety (I assume I now have GAD). Had to quit work and having not a lot to fill my days makes things worse.

I'm 6 weeks into Mirtazapine and have had some spells where I can see a light at the end of the tunnel but am now several days into feeling super rough again.

I worry about not getting better and of course his makes things worse. I try to remind myself of the moments when I have felt okay and that I will keep having those moments. Mostly I just have to force myself to do certain things. Unfortunately insomnia is my major issue and I have developed a lot of anxiety about sleep.

I guess we have to be as strong as we can and not let the anxiety keep winning. Be kind to ourselves and be patient?

This time last year I was working and busy with various things and I hope to get back to that soon. Good luck with your recovery.

20-04-16, 22:49
Hi not sure how old you are but you can definitely get better don't count the days and weeks though it will happen when you stop trying so hard , I was 17 first time I went through it and it lasted about 6 months no meds no internet back then and a doctor than took my blood pressure and said your ok , didn't come back for twelve years until my dad died and I tried antidepresants made me worse so I stopped then had another ten years of ok , just don't put to much pressure on getting better in a time frame , my problems have always stemmed from family problems and meds , take care chap .

21-04-16, 01:43
You can definitely get better. I had 12 years anxiety free started up again about 5 weeks ago due to on going stress and pressure at work. First week was bad as was on meds and the side effe ts were terrible but felt loads better since stopping. Yes anxiety isnt nice at all but it dont have to be long term.