View Full Version : Switching therapists?

20-04-16, 19:52
I see a therapist currently through my university. She's amazing. I've gone to counseling services 4 times total, sometimes for different reasons, but she's the only one I've felt I can be totally open with.

However, she's a MFT and will be leaving in June. Additionally, since I'm not going to be an on-campus student over the summer, I can't utilize campus counseling services until next fall.

I have a psych appointment Friday and hope to ask him if he knows of anyone good in the area. My current therapist has also suggested an outpatient clinic on campus, but I hesitate because it's in the same building as where I got my first degree and I'm nervous of running into old teachers/classmates.

My current therapist told me that no matter who I see, she'll catch them up on everything.

I'm just very apprehensive as to how difficult this transition is going to be. Apparently out in the community there can be a long wait for counseling, but the other one on campus can see me almost right away which is nice. It's sad too because I feel like I really connect with this therapist and changing is more bitter than sweet, but I'm sure I'll manage.

Advice? Tips?