View Full Version : Night sweats and itchy skin?

20-04-16, 20:11
I don't know if I actually have night sweats. Sometimes I wake up in the morning and my back around my neck is sweaty and my t-shirt is a bit soaked. I read that real cancer night sweats are drenching and I would have to change sheets and t-shirt. I never wake up during the night because of it.

Another symptom I have is itchy skin. This is also weird because, my head was kind of itchy at first. I think it's because I shower and then hairdry every morning. Well I went on to google it... aaaand leukemia or lymphoma :) Great. The thing is, I feel like I'm more itchy now that I know it's a symptom of cancer.


20-04-16, 21:54
I've had night sweats often, mostly due to hormonal imbalance.
Itchy skin can be so many things. Allergy to skin products, clothes or bedding not rinsed properly, dry scalp, not rinsing shampoo out properly....... Eczema. Get something from the chemist to relieve it.