View Full Version : DVT fear :(

20-04-16, 23:43
I have had calf pain for about a week now,'doesn't really hurt when I walk I just notice it when I'm sitting down and it hurts when I flex my foot. No other symptoms not hot to touch, not swollen or bruising. I'm 18 and don't smoke or not on birth control but my mom and brother both have had DVT's so it does run in the family. Normally I would just say I pulled a muscle but the last 3 days I've been extremely short of breathe :( I went to the doctors yesterday and they took my blood pressure and listened to my lungs and it was fine and I mentioned the shortness of breathe and she said it is my allergies but it is constant I'm really getting nervous I didn't mention the leg pain but now I'm thinking maybe I should have. It's just hard to think its allergies causing me constant shortness of breathe, maybe I'm hyperventilating and don't even realize? I'm a mess and my parents think I'm crazy when I tell them all my health fears

21-04-16, 01:04
This is like comparing white puffy clouds in a blue sky to overcast and rainy.

Positive thoughts