View Full Version : Advice please new to anxiety

20-04-16, 23:46
hi all just wondering if you's lot think my story is anxiety/stress

it all started at the new year alot of pressure on because i was soon to become a dad again for the second time jan/feb time but we knew that he had problems spina bifida and hydrocephlaus and all the doctors was basically saying he was going to be a cabage and wont be able to do anything suprisingly enough he can do every thing legs are a little weak and lots of major operations hes doing just fine i had my first panic attack on new year really bad chest pain thought i was having a heart attack phoned ambulance as i had never expieranced anything like it all clear put it down to anxiety but it didnt stop there it got worst lots more panic attacks thinking i was having a heart attack lots of trips to accident and emergency all still clear then i started getting tingles in head and spine constant dizzines and migranes thought i had a brain tumor or ms kept going back to a&e till i got head ct scan all clear bloods all normal chest scans clear normal size heart ect now ive had a dry throat for ages and like a lumpy feeling in throat keep thinking it is cancer my doctor had refered me for ENT but it will take ages because he dosent suspect nothing he just said in politer words to put your mind at rest all bloods still normall the a&e doctors no know me as a regular now and dont pay any attention because im in there so much but now i get all these symptoms daily -

neck pain/ache
chest pain/palpertation
tight feeling in throat constantly
muscle spasms
night terrors
night sweats
aches all over body
constant dry mouth
wee dark brown
stong pulse in my neck
teeth pain
tingles in hands feet scalp and back
lower back ache
abdominal pain
lost just under a stone in a month
pins needles in hands
Hair going thinner loosing it

i have lumps on neck i thought swallon lymph nodes doctor says hair folicles i still insist there nodes and i have loads of tiny red pin pricks all over arms some on chest legs and abdomen doctor said he dosent think its anything major as bloods are perfectly spot on i think i have lymphomia/leukemia
since all my problems first began in january ive had 8/9 blood test all good. Its all putting major strain on my life as i keep thinking im dieing im not the same person anymore i used to be really bubbly now im silent and the littlest thing can set me off crying my family says im a hypochondriac and that its health anxiety as seeing my son poorly has made me more aware of things as weve lived in the hospital since 30th of jan so a good couple of months my girlfriend is sick of listening to me as my son still isnt 100% hes nearly there and ready to be discharged this week if it all goes to plan and she says i need to think about my kids more and get over my self which i cant fault her really as im constantly on about me thinking im dieing i really do insist i have something going on with me but everyone else thinks anxity please reply! oh BTW theyve tried giving me anti depresents but i dont like tablets so wont take them

20-04-16, 23:52
Hiya Martyboy and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

21-04-16, 00:17
Hi Martyboy :welcome:.

Well its not surprising your stressed that is one heck of a stress overload .

Trust I know truly .

Yes in a nutshell I think your story is anxiety and stress with very good reason okay .

This forum I have no shame in saying saved me and I have made some amazing friends .

Take your time look around and I hope you gain some cpmfort from it .

Your strong :hugs:

21-04-16, 17:57
Hi Martyboy,
I promise you, I have had most of these symptoms, and others, and almost lived in my poor doctors!! When you eventually accept that these symptoms are all stress related you really will start to feel better. I became ill - just as you are now - just over a year ago. I had what I believe was a nervous breakdown - all the same symptoms as you - and then I believe I had nervous exhaustion and became so achingly tired I stopped work for a couple of months and could literally barely do anything but sleep. Prior to this I was happy, healthy, confident and laid back.
Understanding that all of the symptoms that you are describing are ONLY ANXIETY SYMPTOMS was what started me on the road to recovery. These feelings can not hurt you. It is you be scared of these symptoms that makes you more anxious and thus makes the symptoms worse. If you are worried see your doctor - if your doctor tells you you are OK then BELIEVE them. I know this is easier said than done, but please try as I have been where you are and it is honestly your first step to recovery.
I am not saying that this is full recovery - although I believe for some people it is. I still suffer with health anxiety, but I can manage it (most days) now!!
It sounds like you have been through an incredibly stressful time and things have got on top of you but you will be yourself again. Enjoy your family, and decide that you are going to be happy every morning.
A book by Dr Claire Weeks called ESSENTIAL HELP FOR YOUR NERVES really helped me so much when I was in your place. It's like your grandma giving you a good talking to, but also explains all the physical symptoms of anxiety which I found SO helpful!! Order it on Amazon.
Good luck to you. You will get better. Happiness will come back to you. Be kind to yourself X