View Full Version : Can't stop sweating

08-03-07, 15:01
Hi everyone

just wondered if anybody else sweats a lot? I get sweaty very easily especially when I am anxious about something and end up ponging like hell. It can be very embarassing.

08-03-07, 15:51
hi p/polly yes i have trouble with this i get hot sweats,and burn up out of control the more anxious i am the more hot sweats i get.i asked the doctor about this he said its hormones and hormones get all out of control with panic/anxiety.tc tracy

08-03-07, 15:52
Hey im always clammy and warm when im out today ive been walking around with just a top on as the wheathers improved and everyone is still wearing coats i hardly ever feel the cold. so i hope its normal. and especially when i walk somewhere as im exerting myself. So i think your okay and nothing too worry about just not nice to feel sweaty. take care.

Sarah x

jude uk
08-03-07, 16:09
Carry a bag of frozen peas on your head:-)

Coffee(too much) causes me to sweat.

Yea when you suffer anxiety your blood flow increases so you sweat more


08-03-07, 20:38
I am the same - if I am nervous or anxious like whenpeople come into the office and get up close to me and talk to me - eye to eye - I get all breathless,dizzy and hot and clammy - I know its anxiety so I just try to block it out and within minutes I am back to normal temperature!!! Wenjoy x

08-03-07, 21:14
Yep, I get like this as well. I cover myself in deodrant and sometimes get changed a few times a day at least. I'm always hot and I hate getting into other peoples cars cos they seem to have the heating on at full blast. Much prefer cooler temperatures!


08-03-07, 21:28
Hi, i used to have the same problem but i started to use Mitchum roll on deodrant and it really made a difference for me.

09-03-07, 23:49
Lexxie totally agree about people in there cars and the heating on full blow i hate it makes me feel awful and im just itching to open the window and let the fresh air blast through the window.

10-03-07, 09:30
hi polly
im exactly the same,i usually end up wearing black when i go anywhere cos i get the unsightly sweatpatches under the arm pits,i even tried mitchum and it still doesnt beat the pong!
the joys of anxiety hey!!
love charlotte xx