View Full Version : Diarrhoea and vomiting - 6 days - very worried

21-04-16, 07:12
I have had severe watery diarrhoea and nausea (vomited twice) since Sat - so six days now. Haven't been able to eat anything proper since then - just the odd bit of Apple or rice. Everything goes straight through or makes me feel very sick - even dioralyte. Making sure to keep hydrated as know that is a danger. Have never had anything like this for longer than 48 hrs though and health anxiety is rearing its ugly head and telling me I have cancer or something awful. Or even that best case it is IBS and I'm stuck with it (never had bowel prob before). No blood or pain - well except a lower back pain but not sure if connected. No sign of any improvement. Yesterday eve was violently sick and this morn had to rush to the loo five times within half hr of waking. Feel exceptionally weak and tired as well as very down and scared.

Can anyone reassure me as to what this could / couldn't be?

21-04-16, 07:21
I would say it's likely to be a bug of some kind.

My mum had a period over a week of this a couple of years ago and she was much the same as you describe in that nothing would stay down and she was constantly on the toilet.

Try to stay hydrated as best you can and keeping your body salts up is a very good idea as that area will suffer from this.

If it continues, I would seek GP's advice on this matter to see if you need something meds for it. If you are in a general "at risk" group e.g. elderly or specific health conditions, then it would be wise anyway, but not because it's anything sinister just that people in these groups may need earlier help than those of otherwise good health if you see what I mean?

I hope it improves soon, it's very unpleasant when you feel like this.

21-04-16, 07:31
Thanks so much for your reply and reassurance. I'm 41 so luckily not in at risk group and otherwise pretty well. Rational brain keeps saying it's a bug but just never heard of it going on so long so interesting to hear about your Mum. Amazing how quickly HA comes back when you're feeling unwell and vulnerable. Going to spk to doc again today and see what he says. Interested to hear from anyone else who had a bug lasting this long - did they find out what it was? Need any meds to get rid of it?

21-04-16, 08:27
Seeing your GP is a good thing to do, if they think you need some meds they can sort you out or tell you what to look out for or how long to wait.

Bare in mind my mum was 70ish at this time first...and she had been like this closer to 2 weeks, I wasn't sure if saying that would worry you before? Because hers went on so long and she didn't pursue her GP over it and just tried to sort it on her own, when her GP did see her he sent her straight up the hospital because he was concerned about the hydration issue in someone of her age and health (blood pressure meds, water tablets, asthma, etc). Basically not take any chances. She went on a drip over night and came back the next day when they were happy with her hydration levels. She hadn't been able to get much water down as even that was making her run and we didn't know about rehydration salts.

She didn't need any meds from what I recall but the rehydration drip sorted her out very quickly. So, I guess in her case she could have beaten it on her own but because of the hydration issue, and probably her age/health, is was just a bit too much. I can't remember whether they added any meds to her drip.

I think they just said it was a sickness & diarrhoea bug. They didn't say anything was worse than that.

I don't think you should worry about this at all given your age and good health, plus she had it a fair bit longer than you.

I'm sure you will be fine. Like you say, the HA will be making you think all sorts and anxiety on top of illness is never pleasant either, every symptom is like it's in HD!