View Full Version : plz plz respond massive panick

21-04-16, 08:15
okk i been put on mirtazapine for out of control anxiety
it made me sleep all day yesteray i woke a few times to go to the toilet dont know how many but now i woke with pain in leg and im out of control scared sleeping all day would of caused a dvt i have no swelling or anything just out of control anxiety
any advice
chance of clot developing from sleeping all day?

21-04-16, 08:47
Ni doubt you have sleepted funny and your leg has suffered , its the anxiety lieing to you , DVT it wont be .

21-04-16, 08:50
thank u i just cant calm down in my head im like omg slept all day leg sore deff clot ;'(

21-04-16, 16:39
Sleeping for a long time can make muscles really stiff and sore. I've been panicked about this too!

21-04-16, 16:50
You have just slept in a funny position. If the pain doesn't go away after a day or two see your GP to be certain. But I doubt very much it is anything to worry about.

21-04-16, 17:29
thank u its been replaces with unbearable body shocks scared km about to die