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View Full Version : Anybody else ever felt like this?

21-04-16, 10:26
Just curious if anyone else with anxiety thinks like this too.
Have you ever felt most uncomfortable with your thoughts before bed? Like when you turn all the lights out and lay in bed trying to drift off to sleep.
Things I'll think about will be:
What if I don't wake up.
What if I have a bad dream.
Sleeping is such a weird thing it's like you power off for hours.
About dying, what if I do tomorrow or tonight or soon.
I can't see myself growing older. (This one worries me)
Kind of an impending doom feeling like I'm gonna die soon or not live long.
(That one also bothers me like what if it's a omen or intuition??)

I always wonder if it's just me that thinks things like this or feel things like this. I'd just feel comforted knowing I'm not the only one ya know.

The death one really makes me uncomfortable and ever since my health anxiety got bad I feel like it's something in the back of my mind often.

I guess just the unknown and not knowing what will happen makes my anxiety worse.
I definitely know cancer is my main health anxiety. Which I hate but I feel like I've been getting better with it. /: but anything to do with it, like news articles,movies,tv shows or commercials I have to avoid it because it makes my mind start to race with fear.

At the moment I'm dealing with trying not to obsess over my moles and not convince myself I have skin cancer.. Or even worse melanoma that's spread to my brain or other organs. /: trying to block out the thoughts but it's hard. This is something I've worried about before. Stopped. And then resumed worry at another time. I'm fair skinned and have quite a few. I've had them for awhile I grew up in the south and was outside a lot as a kid and have had a few sunburns in my 21 years.

But anyways, I'd appreciate replies for the first part of this. I kinda rambled off but it helps me organize my thoughts and feel less anxious when I write it out.

21-04-16, 16:35
I totally feel like this! Sometimes I avoid going to bed for so long, and make myself overtired, because I want to avoid feeling so uncomfortable with my thoughts! Trying to associate bed time with something enjoyable has helped me; reading a good book, listening to music. Giving myself any reason to look forward to it and also keep me busy/keep my thoughts from wandering. Then hopefully I'll be so tired that I don't think about uncomfortable stuff. Maybe that will help for you? Best of luck <3

21-04-16, 17:48
Night-time obsessions is common and is usually the result of some outside stress. I used to stay up all night trying and TRYING to sleep with no success.

Have you tried any sleep aids? Even a low dose dyphenhydramine such as benadryl sometimes helps and its non-addictive. The only problem with me using that is it makes me irritated the next day if I can't sleep in.

Some nights I would fall asleep and wake up in massive panic in my living room pacing, wondering if I should just run out the door because I have no clue why I just felt like I needed to do that.

I was neglecting alot of things in my life, my own mental health being the major thing and I was moving up quick where I work because I got very good at what I do. Once I quit stims like alcohol and caffiene, changed my diet and exercised that helped ALOT.

Do you exercise much? Stressful job? Hows your diet? Take any stims? Caffiene, alcohol, cigarettes? All of these factor into getting a restful night sleep.