View Full Version : Pressure on windpipe - feel like I'm being strangled

21-04-16, 13:28
I've been having throat problems for years, been to ENT on two occasions, had camera inserted up nose but not down throat.
I've now developed a new symptom which is feeling like I'm being strangled, feel like someone is squeezing my windpipe.
I have a constant urge to burp, not huge belches, just small ones that seem to be trapped i my throat, this gives me some light short lived relief but then the symptoms start again.
My neck feels tight, I can swallow fine and the previous issues of lump in throat have now gone.
I have some pressure and infrequent pain in my ear but this has been checked and no swelling inside ear.
I was a smoker but have recently stopped. I don't feel particularly stressed or anxious, however I'm aware that I'm going on holiday soon so I don't know if my body is reacting to this.
I often need to clear my throat and sometimes there is clear phlegm.
It feels as though I have a tight turtleneck jumper on at all times, the symptoms are made worse if anything is actually pressing on neck.
Has anyone had anything similar, is this an anxiety symptom, GERD symptom or something else?

21-04-16, 17:43
Tracey, I know that you are apprehensive about your holiday and also you are bravely stopping smoking which must be a tremendously difficult thing to do. As you've had previous recent investigations done at the ENT clinic I would suggest that this is an anxiety symptom. I have to say that I've had similar sensations myself. Having said this it could also be a reflux related problem so you could try some gaviscon?

I know just how apprehensive you must feel about going on holiday and the fear of the unknown but you said that you would feel fine once you were there so maybe concentrate on the pleasurable side of your holiday and not the anticipatory anxiety leading up to the leaving home?

21-04-16, 18:54
Thanks hun, I'm veering towards anxiety as when I first wake up it's not noticeable, it comes and goes during the day too. I'm almost certain it will disappear in Disneyland.
My son is so excited and I'm scared I'll let him down in some way that will spoil this for him. I'm used to pre holiday anxiety but I think I'm more scared this time as I'm leaving the country.

21-04-16, 20:43
I totally empathise, Tracey. I have this same fear when I take my daughter away and we can only manage overnight stays in the UK.

I hope you don't have too long to wait until Disneyland Day-the sooner you're there, the better in terms of anxiety!! xx

21-04-16, 21:06
Thanks hun, we travel to London on Tuesday then Paris on the Wednesday. The sooner I'm there the better! I book these things and I really do want to do them and go, but the closer it gets the anxiety increases thinking of all the things that could go wrong, silly really as it's not like life is perfect at home

21-04-16, 21:09
At least it's Paris and not America!:D I hope you all have a wonderful holiday! xx

21-04-16, 22:04
Thanks hun, I'll give you an update on my return, it is easier for me having my husband, although logistically he is hopeless, bless him, he's there and is a calming influence on me with his extreme laid back approach (there are times I could throttle him, but 90% of the time I envy him with all my heart) xxx

02-05-16, 18:34
Hey Tracy,

I recently had a scare at the hospital and developed globus along with some horrible reflux. Like you, the feeling of something in my throat has gone away and I also went to an ENT + gastro doc and they did scopes, and didn't find anything. I am dealing with a tightness in my throat and it will get very tight around my tonsil area. What is also funny, is sometimes I feel like something is on my wind pipe or I am not getting enough air. However, I did a pulmonary test that came out with good results and when they check my oxygen levels they are always around 99.

What I am getting at is, this sounds like anxiety and I am also going through the same.

10-05-16, 20:26
Hi, I agree, I think mine is a symptom of anxiety, as predicted, no-one strangled me in Disneyland! I've stopped smoking, started exercising and currently feel like a different person. I'm eating everything in sight but I'm hoping the exercise will counteract some of that.
Thanks for your reply.

12-05-16, 14:32
Hi there

I know this is somewhat an old post but I have been suffering with Globus since January, the ENT doctor I saw end of March said I have this terrible symptom!

I wanted to tell you that I have the same feeling that something is also on my windpipe & for me it feels like I am wheezing.....

I went back t the Dr yesterday as this whole stupid situation has been going on since January which I had a chest xray, bloods & ent (scope down my throat) and all normal, the dr is now sending me for a Endoscopy to check my stomach, needless to say my anxiety is through the roof.....I am thinking stomach cancer, esophageal cancer, my throat has prickly sensations now and when I move my throat it feels raw BUT the worst feeling is that something has been sewn onto the right side of my throat and there is pressure & a feeling of soreness!

I need HELP!!! Going crazy!

16-11-16, 19:25
I'm suffering so badly with this. It feels like someone is pressing my windpipe and its narrow when I breathe in. Also like there's ablovkage in my throat stopping air going in like breathing through a straw.

22-11-16, 13:12
Katie, I hope this brings you some comfort, since dealing with my anxiety, these sensations have disappeared.

22-11-16, 18:29
Thank God I found this post. I was planning to post about it, but I couldn't figure out how to explain it.
With me it's not a constant feeling. But every now and then, it feels like someone suddenly squeezes my throat. And I either have to burp several times to clear it, or cough. Mostly the burping helps. But I don't know what's 'causing it.
It's the same feeling I get when I just nearly choked on something and that part of your throat feels annoyed so it makes you cough several times. It's that feeling, but then out of nowhere

14-04-17, 12:52
Hey guys,
Thank god I found this post. I have the same issue along with my acid reflux also have ibs d issue. Does anyone find the solution?

12-05-17, 09:21
I think its only anxiety, the issue is solved by its own. But i have visible pigments in my mouth and my ENT dr, says its nothing to worry. i do not know how this is linked with my throat. I also had bad reflux couple if months back.