View Full Version : is this brain zaps of arrthrythmia

21-04-16, 13:46
iv been taken of duloxitine and put on mirtazapine they took me off duloxitine over five days whenever I stand or move I go faint and get zaps but im terrified it my heart? anyone have experoence with zaps

21-04-16, 14:40
zaps are very common when coming off meds.

21-04-16, 17:27
im terrified I can barely move they so bad

21-04-16, 23:29
they will start to calm down after a while. a lot of people get them coming off of medication.

22-04-16, 02:14
Totally normal coming off meds. I get them from missing one dose.

22-04-16, 06:54
iv been moved off one med and put on new one I thought itd ease the side effects :(

22-04-16, 15:02
It will, but it takes time. It's only been a week.

22-04-16, 16:23
arrhythmia doesn't usually cause "brain zaps" As the posters on here say, its very common with medication to cause this.

Also, I want to share what happened with me and "zaps" I had zaps all over my body, twitching zaps that would send a shock up my arm, into my head, legs sometimes etc. I was so worried I had some heart problem.

Talked to my doctor and it looked like I was deficient in magnesium and I was never hydrating properly as I had a job in a warehouse and I would constantly become dehydrated throughout the day. I took a magnesium supplement and made an effort to always drink water, the "zaps" went away after some time.

22-04-16, 18:27
thank you very much for your responses

i am overly anxious about my heart at the moment which is why i think im trying to connect them
i spoke to my pharmasist who i have been using since i was a child he reasured me to that although my mental health doctor insisits its rubbish that it is from withdrawing from the duloxitine he believes it is just this and my health anxeity is blowing it out of porportion i really apreciate u taking the time to respond

22-04-16, 19:59
It's definitely not rubbish. So many people I know who have come off of medication have had the zaps. It's VERY widely reported with anxiety and depression meds.

22-04-16, 20:02
I will echo Josh, its not rubbish


Seems to be pretty common.

22-04-16, 21:37
thank u all so much think il jyst post on here in future my mental health team just seem to make me worse xx