View Full Version : Alzheimers? Brain Tumor? Really Scary Incident

21-04-16, 18:42
Hi, all....

Long time lurker. I have OCD, primarily around health issues. I've been doing CBT, and have actually been doing well as far as staying off Google and fearing I'm dying etc...

Until last night.

My husband took a later train than usual. My kids were asking when he would be home, and here's where it gets weird......I told them he already was! I had a totally clear memory of him having walked in a few minutes before and gone upstairs. I even teased the kids, "You didn't see him walk right by?"

They made me look in the driveway and see that his car wasn't there. Well, I was still so sure I had just seen him that I called him up and asked if he had been home already and gone back out. Nope.

So, now I'm really terrified and thinking I'm going crazy or have a brain tumor or something!

I'm only 44!

Looking back it wasn't that I was hallucinating or anything.....basically I was remembering exactly what had happened the day before (and every other day), and my brain sort of inserted it before it had actually happened, I guess.

I have been under extreme stress of late. My younger son has learning disabilities, and we're now awaiting testing to see if it is autism. I work from home, so I had been on the computer and multi tasking all day as well.

Besides the anxiety, I'm otherwise healthy, except for chronic, low-level pain in my teeth and jaw I've had since I had a complicated dental procedure. I've been assured by a dozen or so doctors that this is nothing to worry about, but now I'm wondering if the jaw pain, and the anxiety, and now this totally crazy thing are all symptoms of some other horrible condition-Lyme, MS, the brain tumor, Alzheimers.....I'm really scared and in a big spiral.

I don't want to be losing my mind!

And, of course, because of the OCD, I'm checking in with myself every other minute to see if I am!

My sister says I'm just stressed out and over tired, and it's just a funny thing that I shouldn't worry about unless it happens again.

I'm thinking of calling the doctor, but I don't even know which one to call!

Anybody ever had anything this bizarre?

I do also get the occasional light headed/spacy/disconnected stuff with my anxiety, though that's been better of late. Sorry for the novel. Thanks, all!

21-04-16, 22:14

It definitely does not sound like a brain tumour or alzheimers.

You sort of answered your own question, ''basically I was remembering exactly what had happened the day before'' and that is what is sounds like has happened, your husband comes home everyday at that time, but this time he got a later train home and it just slipped your mind. This mixed with the stress you have been under plus working on a computer and doing other tasks and with your OCD and anxiety you was probably flat out!

My Nan has suffered with alzheimer/dementia for going on nearly 9 years now so I have had do a lot of research on the subject and experiencing her illness and this is not something that would happen and it is not a symptom of a brain tumour.

Listen to your sister, you 100% sounds like you like you are under a lot of stress at the moment an stress can do funny things!

Try your best to calm down (I know its hard), but you are not losing your mind! :hugs:

21-04-16, 22:28
Thinking something happened and it didn't and then later on very very shortly like a day later that perhaps it didnt happen and THEN freaking out about it is a classic OCD tendency.

Have you been around those with alzheimers? Their episodes last days to weeks and they had no clue nor were cognizant of their actions until someone told them.

The brain tumor, does not cause things like this although it does cause some type of cognitive behavior change but that is usually 99% of the time causing the behavior to be completely out of the norm for how an individual usually acts. By this time though there are several other physical and mental symptoms that occur if in the case it were a brain tumor which present themselves as severe.

So yes I am willing to bet that its your OCD as this happens to me anytime I have a headache or feel fatigued, even when I get sick, OCD has this tedency to force my mind to ruminate over the worst case scenario.

Next time this happens (if it does) just say, oh well I guess I wasn't paying attention and move on, this stops OCD flat in its tracks because it has no hold on you anymore.

21-04-16, 23:05
I had something like this today. At my job I was chasing papers from two people and thought id asked for one persons from another. Turns out they both needed same thing but for a moment I questioned my sanity!

21-04-16, 23:07
Thanks, guys.

I was just so sure I had just seen him! I almost went to look upstairs! I did end up calling the nurse. She seemed to think I should come in about my anxiety, but she didn't seem concerned about my husband delusion. lol

I'm going to try and sort myself out with some proper sleep and exercise this weekend.

21-04-16, 23:36
I definitely recommend the exercise, its helped me so much getting into a proper fitness regime.

Also might be worth going into see your nurse and discussing your anxiety, it would not hurt! :yesyes:

22-04-16, 00:03
I haven't been able to do meds in the past because a big part of my OCD is fearing all the side effects on the label. I'll sit and imagine I'm having every one of them!

But maybe I'll be able to do them now that I have some CBT under my belt. I don't think the CBT alone is enough right now. I felt tons better after I walked yesterday-except for giving myself blisters!