View Full Version : Is it me? Or the Chucky Monster?

29-09-04, 09:30
Hi everyone,

I've been back on Seroxat for four weeks now and am feeling much better now.

Looking back, when I was down I kept going questioning my marraige - is this my wife's fault, does she make me like this, are we wrong for each other etc, etc, - and my job - maybe its not challenging enough, maybe its too boring, maybe it's not right for me. Now that I'm feeling better, these thoughts have gone. Trouble is, i don't know whether to trust my feelings when I'm off the meds in which case no wonder I'm anxious, and should make some major life changes, or on the meds in which case I should get rid of these thoughts and accept life as it is.

Anyone else been through this/ any advice?

Thanks a lot,


29-09-04, 10:49
hello there,

I think we are much more our 'normal' selves when we are on meds. Meds are meant to get you back to your 'normal' self. While suffering from anxiety, our thoughts are normally very irrational - I know mine are!! If you are happy whilst on meds, then those are the feelings I would trust.

Sarah :D

29-09-04, 11:11
Hi Ian

Nice to know you are starting to feel better. [8D]

I think everyone questions themselves from time to time.

The problems start when we question ourselves endlessly, wraping ourselves up in knots.
If all these thoughts about life are buzzing round your head, no wonder you are a bag of nerves!

I agree with sarah, if you are thinking clearly while taking the meds, then those are the feelings I would trust also.

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'

29-09-04, 14:50
Hi Ian

We all get irrational thoughts and then they play in our minds and get even worse.

I agree with the advice that you have been given that if those questions arent an issues whilst you are returning to your normal self i would go with how you feel now.

Take care.

Love Sal xxxxx

29-09-04, 17:58
Hi Ian!

I agree with all the above comments. After 3 months I am just starting to feel the benefits of my medication. Until I began suffering with anxiety, panic attacks and depression, I was very calm and rational when it came to dealing with issues. When I slumped however, my thoughts and reasoning became very irrational. That was until I began my medication. I still have bad days but feel myself improving day by day. Small steps!

Good luck!


29-09-04, 20:36

I would say that you are feeling how you really are now you are on the meds. Before you were on them you were probably a little depressed so life didn't look so rosy.

We all question our lives when we feel down, depressed, stressed etc so now you feel better then things look brighter.

How did you feel about all these things before you got ill - can you remember.

Above all go with your gut feeling about it all ok?


29-09-04, 21:23
Hi there!
The advice I have been given over the years, is to never make any big decision whilst you are feeling like that. I know that when I am having a bad patch, everything seems a problem. I usually wait for a while until I feel much better and if I am still having doubts about something then I act on it. When you are feeling bad its hard to know how you really feel about something. Its tempting to change things straight away, but you may regret it later. You can always make a decision in a few weeks or even a few months time, lets face it, its not long to wait to make a decision that will mean a big change in your life!

Take care

Mabel (caroline)

29-09-04, 23:12
Hi Ian

Let us know how you are getting on and i hope all the advice you have been given has helped you.

Love Sal xxxxx

Caz Fab Pants
30-09-04, 16:18
Hi Ian,

This is a tough one and something I have asked myself many times.

Its difficult to know when to trust your judgement because as you have probably found med's chill you out and stop you worrying about things. In which case were they as much of a problem as you thought or are the meds putting you in an unrealistic frame of mind.

I made some HUGE life changes when I started taking Clomipramine a few years ago and when I stopped taking it I did wonder whether I had made the right choices. For different reasons and after a med free period of about 3mths I then ended up starting on Lustral. So I'm now back to feeling how I was on the Clomipramine and dont worry too much about anything.

Not sure if this helps, sorry.

Glad seroxat is helping.

Caroline :)

30-09-04, 20:01
Hi Ian

Really chuffed to hear that you're feeling loads better. I would agree with everyone else that its easy to have loads of irrational thoughts when we're not ourselves but on the otherhand, if there are issues you need to address then maybe its best to consider them whilst you're feeling well as they may have contributed towards your negative feelings in the first place? For now though, maybe just give yourself a bit of a break and enjoy feeling good again for a while before you go making any big decisions :D

Best wishes, Jo x