View Full Version : horrible tetanus fears

22-04-16, 05:09
Sorry I have been posting so much on here recently, but my anxiety has been at its peak lately.. I had a rusty nail go through my shoe and poke me in the foot a few weeks ago. It was an extremely miniscule puncture wound, but it did bleed a bit. I went home immediately and washed it out with disinfectant but I didn't get a shot. I went to the hospital a week or so later because I was feeling extremely fatigued and out of it. They just took some blood and told me everything looked fine. I mentioned the rusty nail incident and the fact that I haven't had a tetanus shot since I was at least 11, possibly even earlier than that (I'll be 21 tomorrow) but they completely ignored it and brushed it off and refused to give me a shot. I finally made an appointment today after my foot randomly twitched last night and made me start thinking about tetanus obsessively. After that my face started twitching and since then my jaw has felt extremely stiff and tight like its about to lock up and stop working. I'm getting the shot in a few days at my doctors office but its already been 3 weeks since the injury and I'm really feeling like my jaw is locking up and now the right side of my neck and right arm are starting to feel stiff and I am so so terrified. I know tetanus is rare but I am positive that I am behind on my shots and if I am infected with tetanus it is already too late and I am doomed and surely going to die.. Someone please reassure me..

22-04-16, 08:51
Well if in doubt, go to the hospital. They may get annoyed but I've gone to mine 5 times in a month before. It is what they're there for. I am pretty sure if they did blood tests, it would come up though.