View Full Version : Still waiting for results can't cope

22-04-16, 14:32
Long story but had a wierd sort of skin growth that looked like a skin tag except hard n flesh coloured been waiting 8 months to have it removed which was 2 weeks ago. It literally took seconds to cut off but the doctor said he would send it for a biopsy �� He said the results would take about a week and that they would call if it was anything to worry about. Now it's been two weeks today and I've heard nothing so I have no idea what it actually was but I've convinced myself it's skin cancer and because I've had a lump at the back of my neck for 1 1/2 years I've also convinced myself it has been skin cancer that has spread I'm going out of my mind with worry o feel sick to my stomach since my mam had skin cancer last year also.
I'm always so careful in the sun never use sunbeds and I'm only 22 but I just can't seem to stop this constant fear �� Just can't cope anymore I don't even want to get out of bed anymore but I also have a toddler who needs me.

22-04-16, 14:55
I would bet that it is not anything sinister.

You would have heard something by now if it is was. They do not sit on dodgy results like that.

My Dad had a lesion on his ear for a long time....like a dry patch of skin. I kept nagging him to see a doctor. He saw a dermotologist who removed the patch and sent it for biopsy. He had the results within a week as it was a pre-cancerous condition and he had to have more of his ear removed within another week.

This is just an example of how quickly they would act if it was anything bad that showed in your biopsy. You are young and have had little sun exposure, whereas my Dad is in his 70's, was in the Royal Navy for many years and was exposed to a lot of tropical sun, and his Irish skin didn't help matters either! The greater sun exposure over many years, the higher the chance of skin cancer.

I am sure that yours will be fine. x

22-04-16, 14:58
Just call then... that said, no news is good news. My wife had a mole removed. They said they would call if something was up. Otherwise, we'd get a postcard in the mail which we did about a week later.

Positive thoughts