View Full Version : worst health anxiety I have ever had!

chatty girl
22-04-16, 15:14
I think this is the worst health anxiety I have ever had. I'm absolutely convinced its bowel cancer.

I paid privately and saw a consultant who did a rigid sigmoidoscopy and he doesn't think there's anything wrong with me but wants me to have the flexible sigmoidoscopy that my nhs doctor wanted me to orginally have. The trouble is I was so flustered in my appointment with him and a little embarrassed that I was there I didn't ask about a colonscopy or what he actually thought was wrong. I had a small amount of blood from my rectum about an hour after having a poo. I asked what to do if it happened again and he said don't worry!!!.

I'm in such a state, I really think I want to pay for a colonscopy but its £1500. If I don't I think I'm going to go mad! I'm so low, I'm not eating and now I have bloated tummy and really lose bowels, my rational brain says thats anxiety but my un rational says there you go cancer!

I thought seeing the consultant would help but it hasn't. I dont know what to do anymore.

sorry for ranting xx

22-04-16, 16:52
I am from Czech republic so sorry if my english is not good enough :-)
I have to say that I went through the same "process" ... My anxiety started right after I googled my symptoms. Due to pain in my tummy my GP forwarded me to colonoscopy. Nothing found ... unfortunatelly the story has continued ... several gastroscopies since I was sure it is stomach cancer ... then CT scan since I was convinced it is pancreatic cancer ... many blood tests ... NOTHING WAS WRONG!
So my advice here is - try to stop worrying. Otherwise it will be much worse. Currently I have been on AD for 4 months and I am much more relaxed. No black thoughts almost. Still struggling with flu like symptoms, however I believe it will go away soon.
What is really surprising for me is the price for colonoscopy ... here in Czech republic it costs approximately 1.200 CZK, thus approximately 30-40£ !!!!

chatty girl
23-04-16, 09:40
Thanks for you reply, your english is super!

I'm wishing I lived where you live now thats so cheep! Whys on earth is it so expensive here!!!! Im going back to the doctors monday to ask for a colonoscopy but I think she will refuse!


23-04-16, 18:09
iv found from the past four years of doing it if something in your head no test will reasure you hun
i used to be happy with a blood test ...then id go back just to be sure now its scans xrays god knows what else and i still dont believe them
of course if your really really concerned speak to gp but try not to get yourself too stressed im sure if they believed there was cause for concern theyd say

23-04-16, 19:48
If you are young ( under 40) then bowel cancer is very rare and usually connected to genetic condition that causes literally hundreds of bowel polyps at a young age. The rigid sigmoidoscopy would have seen these polyps as your whole colon would be covered including the lower end of your bowel that they were looking at , so the fact they weren't there is why your consultant is telling you not to worry - he knows you don't have the genetic condition that is the cause of bowel cancer in the under 40's.

There are loads of benign harmless conditions that can cause bleeding like a small tear in your back passage from hard poo:) to piles.

A colonoscopy is not a nice thing to endure and carries risks, have the flexible sigmoidoscopy as that will look even further and if nothing is seen then the bleeding was probably from something that has now healed up. If its continues and is bright red then that is even more likely to be from a tear or pile.