View Full Version : Male. Left pectoral swelling, and more.

22-04-16, 17:14
Hello everyone.
Before I start this thread, let me tell you a little about myself.

I am 26 years old, I am 6'3" and weigh 245lbs (111kg).
I am a panic/anxiety sufferer of 3 years..
I am otherwise a happy guy. I have a lovely wife, and a 2 year old daughter.

About a week ago I noticed that my left pectoral was swollen, and quiet bigger than my right. My nipple at my left pectoral is also a little larger than the one on my left. Now, that was a little weird to me but I kind of brushed it off, and went on with my life. Things have kind of spiraled out of control for me in the anxiety/panic attack department as of a few days ago.

I have found, or THINK I have found a considerably large, somewhat rubber/fatty/muscle like mass in my left pectoral. If I start at the swollen nipple, I can feel it go all the way up to my collar bone, can feel it all the way back down to the bottom of my fourth rib below the nipple, and once at the fourth rib I can feel it from going left to the side of my ribs until the middle, up to just below the base of my armpit, and to the right to just about the end of my rib before the middle of my chest. I am able to feel my lymph nodes under my arm in my bicep, in my armpit, and the lymph nodes at my collar bone. The lymph nodes do not appear swollen from looking at me, they do not protrude out of the skin. I can just feel them with slight effort, and pressure with my fingers.

For these last three days I have been unable to sleep, and the worst symptom of them all that is really spinning me out of control is my inability to eat. I have come down with this sudden loss of appetite. I have note eaten much in the past three days, now going on four. I am just not hungry, or do not desire food, and if I try to force myself to eat, it just nauseates me and I can't finish my plate. If it weren't for this symptom I think I'd be able to make it through. This inability to eat however, is making me think I have a grave disease, like cancer. It is consuming my every thought. Just two nights ago I was up from 1am until 5am googling my symptoms, and everything about male breast cancer, and lymphoma until my body forced me to pass out. I am starting to worry my wife, and all I can think about is having to leave my beautiful daughter with no father. I am worrying myself absolutely SICK.

I have no idea if my anxiety over this swollen left pec, and what I think to be a cancerous growth is causing my inability to eat, or have loss of appetite. I don't know if its all in my head or my darkest fears will come true. I have an appointment with my doctor on May 2nd, I am going to bring it up then. I will also be getting routine blood work done, so I will be able to see results from that as well.

Thank you for reading. I really appreciate it. Any insight is absolutely appreciated as well. I am looking for comfort, other explanations, or experiences from men and women who may have had cancer, or debilitating cancer scares/panic/anxiety like I am having.