View Full Version : How does anxiety lead to depression?

22-04-16, 19:31
I started off with anxiety and ended up with both anxiety and depression. Never had either before in my life and I'm 55 years old! How does anxiety lead to depression?

22-04-16, 20:21
Anxiety is caused by constant fear and usually ALWAYS manifests into depression. This is because the constant what ifs and worries take up your entire time and mind and not allowing for any joy, fulfillment and overall satisfaction with life.

Both are common and highly treatable and can be overcome.

Have you tried working on your anxiety?

22-04-16, 20:34
I'm on my 3rd week of citalopram and also having CBT.

22-04-16, 20:45
That sounds like a good start, just make sure to do what is comfortable for you and you alone. Takes a bit of selfishness to get over this and by that I mean not trying to over-exert yourself to help others thats causing you to neglect yourself.

You'll get over this though i'm positive :)

22-04-16, 21:20
Thank you so much for your help and advice. I just woke up one morning last November like this
That's it in a nutshell, I don't have any particular fears about anything, just this awful feeling every day - much worse in the mornings oddly. By the evening I'm back to "normal" How crazy is that?

22-04-16, 22:49
That actually describes how I was perfectly. how strange. Evenings were the only normal time I had.

Do you have a stressful job if you dont mind me asking?

23-04-16, 14:03
No, I don't even go to work which makes it even more confusing. I wouldn't mind if I had a stressful job or i was trying to bring up loads of kids on a shoestring, but I don't and I'm not!

23-04-16, 14:42
I started off with anxiety and ended up with both anxiety and depression. Never had either before in my life and I'm 55 years old! How does anxiety lead to depression?

It is a chicken and egg thing....depression often turns into or goes with anxiety or anxiety turns into or goes with depression. Sometimes it is hard to really tell which came first.

I started off with depression and then began to have panic attacks and anxiety. My anxiety started once I started to lift out of my depression, after I started meds. I found the anxiety and panic far harder to deal with than the depression, as when depressed, I didn't feel anything at all, just emotionless really.

The two going together is pretty normal. I think with anxiety turning into depression, it is because anxiety has such a negative effect on the person, interferes with their thinking and their daily life and just drags them into a downward spiral where they feel depressed.:shrug: