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View Full Version : How to break those OCD urges?

22-04-16, 19:43
With HA I know I check constantly, whatever the worry of the time is. Rubbing for bumps, feeling for lumps, checking freckles. How do you get out of it? I'm sfter tips until I start therepy.

Ive calmed self down with scalp one after taking photo I am satisfied either
Now I worry about thigh one that become scabby after I picked and scratched the sh*t out of it. Nurse said its normal to be scabby and will be for three four wrrks after the injury even if it didn't bleed. But that urge in me wants to keep looking and googling in case she's wrong.

22-04-16, 19:57
I've had for as long as I can remember a super tiny mole on my arm, probably the size of a pinhead, that (I think) used to be flat. Well one day it started itching, which set me into full anxiety mode. I kept picking and picking at it til I finally ended up picking the dang thing off. Well it bled a little (obviously) and scabbed over and healed and guess what. The mole came back just as it was before, only a little raise. I figure that is from the scarring from picking at it. But it's still the same size and shape it always was, a year later now. and my thoughts of it being something bad have faded.

I think we health anxiety sufferers, not speaking for everyone, have an underlying emotional issue that we need to address. With me, I was abused my whole teenage years by my stepdad. My mind was always in worry mode, on the defensive.

Well, now that I'm not in that situation anymore, my brain is still wired to be worried about something. Always checking my surroundings, so now I'm basically just creating things to be worried and upset about, because that's familiar to me. It's like now I don't even know how to be happy and worry free.

I'm getting better at rationalizing though. It's almost a constant battle within myself to not Google every little weird thing I feel or see in and on my body.

This week I've been bad, thus why I'm on this site, but I've found that being here is better than WebMD that's telling me I have everything from heart condition to MS to cancer.

It's not fair that I'm this way, but I am. All I can hope is that it gets better the longer I'm away from that situation.
I'm not looking for sympathy, im just hoping maybe I can relate to what you're going through.

22-04-16, 20:05
Thank you for your reply and sorry to hear you went through that. My anxiety is from witnessing violence in family I guess and feeling like I had to protect mom and siblings briny the oldest.

How long did yours take to heal? I literally scratched mine mental. I have so msny freckles but then so does Gigi hadif and Kendall whatsherface and so so many people. Ive become OBSSESED noticing them on other people.


---------- Post added at 20:05 ---------- Previous post was at 20:04 ----------

I read alot of media and notice them on these celebs. Most people have them.

22-04-16, 20:07
Reb try not to turn this thread into another one about your symtoms. That is giving into the OCD tendencies.

22-04-16, 20:15
Thank you for your reply and sorry to hear you went through that. My anxiety is from witnessing violence in family I guess and feeling like I had to protect mom and siblings briny the oldest.

How long did yours take to heal? I literally scratched mine mental. I have so msny freckles but then so does Gigi hadif and Kendall whatsherface and so so many people. Ive become OBSSESED noticing them on other people.


---------- Post added at 20:05 ---------- Previous post was at 20:04 ----------

I read alot of media and notice them on these celebs. Most people have them.
It healed in about two weeks, but I agree with person above, rather than worrying about the symptoms you should focus on the problem. It's a pretty big one.

I think a lot of us need professional help. I know I probably do.

22-04-16, 20:44
Sorry I just came here ooking for those ocd breakers. Those Nope not gonna look or check it.

23-04-16, 06:35
Some useful CBT stuff here for OCD:


Sadly, the OCD workbook is gone from that page for some reason. :doh:

For HA:


Have a look as this as an example of one of the HA workbooks. Page 6 shows an example of how to cut down on checking moles:


Those workbooks are on the main Worksheets webpage of the Psychology Tools website, where those links above are also from:


Just scroll down to the CCI section and you will see a Health Anxiety title with a load of chapters you can click on.

There is another useful section of CCI workbooks lower down for Perfectionism.

23-04-16, 10:39
but then so does Gigi hadif and Kendall whatsherface

I don't mind having a look if they fancy posting a pic? :whistles::D

23-04-16, 11:30
I don't mind having a look if they fancy posting a pic? :whistles::D

I have literally no idea who they are... :shrug:

23-04-16, 11:36
I have literally no idea who they are... :shrug:

Me neither on Kendal whatsherface but I know the other one is a model.

EDIT: Kendall might be Kendall Jenner...if her dad has any moles, I'm not sure I want to see them. :winks:

23-04-16, 12:28
Haha yes Kendall Jenner. I'm not a fan of them but as they're all over the media gheir bodies are too! I'd like to be like oh, skin. I am getting there today after analysing my atm one that ive always had that hasn't changed haha.

Anxiety/ocd is like that annoying kid who asks if your phone as any games.

No, no, no, no, no, go away, no ahhh go on then.

I had a friendly reminder of other times my anxiety has relared to ocd (most times) and how If sneak off at work to check the infamous lymph node, and how Id feel in my shoulder blades if there was a lump, grope myself in public....

24-04-16, 15:17

Ive not read that link yet Terry but shall do now. May I ask what helped you personally. I don't know your OCD urges to a tee but with my checking of body it's becoming annoying. I was on bus all way home just and really wanted to check bottom of foot to see if I have a freckle even though I checked twice this morning and numerous times yesteday....

It's like my mind tries to help me get over one worry by bringing me another.