View Full Version : Twitchy, achy arm - trying to keep perspective :(

23-04-16, 09:31
Hi everyone!

I hope you're as well as can be :)

I've been experiencing arm 'discomfort' for the last couple of weeks, and it's started to trigger my HA.

The muscle at the top of my left arm keeps twitching, and my arm feels generally heavy and achy from time to time. The area around the muscle feels hot at times (not to touch - more of an internal feeling).

Of course, I Googled 'why do muscles twitch' (stupidly) and saw articles about it being a sign of MND. I've had so many blood tests over the last few months, so I'm assuming something like that would have been picked up.

The only things I can think of are:

1) I had a tetanus jab in the area about 7 weeks ago. I saw my GP on Monday about it, and she said sometimes the area can take a while to heal, although there was no sign of infection or swelling or anything. She gave me 10 days worth of ibuprofen.

2) I do sleep with this arm under my pillow - maybe I've just been sleeping funny on it?

Has anyone else experienced anything like this, and it turned out to be nothing? Can muscles do this for seemingly no reason?

I feel so silly for even posting, but it's affecting my HA, so I know you'll all understand.

Thank you so much in advance for any responses...

C xoxo

23-04-16, 18:56
Just trying to bump this thread, as I'd really appreciate some words of perspective - really struggling tonight with my HA :(

Thank you SO much in advance for any responses! x

23-04-16, 19:24
Actually, yes, I have experienced similar symptoms about 5 or 6 years with my right foot/leg. It turned out to be nothing...just my anxious mind, although the symptoms were/felt totally real! Anxiety can be guilty of all sorts of muscle or nerve related symptoms! Not to mentiom that sleeping on your arm, definetely doesn't help and you know it!

23-04-16, 19:26
Thank you so much Christina - if you were closer, I'd hug you right now!

My whole arm just feels so achy and heavy, and the twitching is literally non-stop. It's just ridiculous how scared I am right now...over something that is probably absolutely nothing :(

How long did yours last for? x

23-04-16, 19:32
I had similar in my thigh muscle. I would sit there and watch it twitching whilst I freaked out. It went on for ages, at least a few weeks on and off, then it completely disappeared. I'm sure it's just caused by anxiety and exhaustion - a bit like the twitch you sometimes get in an eyelid when you are tired.

23-04-16, 19:34
Thank you so much Mojo!

Yes exactly. I actually did have it in my eye a few weeks back, but I didn't think any more of it. It last a few days.

I actually haven't been feeling that anxious or tired lately - but I am coming off Sertraline, and looking back I have been a bit anxious, so maybe I've just not noticed it? My whole am is sore, heavy and achy. Did you thigh muscle ache too? :)

Ps. Yes I've been doing that - watching it and freaking out!

23-04-16, 19:39
Thank you so much Christina - if you were closer, I'd hug you right now!

My whole arm just feels so achy and heavy, and the twitching is literally non-stop. It's just ridiculous how scared I am right now...over something that is probably absolutely nothing :(

How long did yours last for? x
It actually lasted three months or more...These things can last for a long time if someone thinks of them all day long (like I did). I was convinced I had MS and all I could think about was this dreadful disease. It turned out to be absolutely nothing and the same thing will happen to you! I am sure!!! Sending lots of internet hugs honey :hugs:

23-04-16, 20:04
Yes, the whole leg felt sore and heavy. I think because I was obsessing about it. It could also be the sert withdrawal exacerbating it.

23-04-16, 20:22
Ive been twitching more than 2 months.