View Full Version : Feeling "spacey", don't think it's dp/dr

23-04-16, 13:39
I've been having a spacey feeling that comes and goes. It feels like I'm slightly drunk/high. My eyes feel a little weird like I can't focus and I see the contrast of light and shadows differently somehow, but it's very hard to explain exactly.

At times it feels like I'm going crazy and I worry about it so much because I think it's a deadly disease like a brain tumor or MS. I've been to my GP for blood tests and they came back negative so I guess that's good. I also spoke about it with a psychiatrist and she said that it might be very minor dp/dr but it doesn't really feel like things are unreal, only like something is wrong with my eyes/brain and cognitive functions.

It seems to get worse in the afternoons and it almost always passes in the evenings. I don't feel it every day and it doesn't seem to be linked with my anxious feelings. However, when I notice it I usually get anxious about it, focus on it and of course it seems worse but when I ignore it and go work out or focus on my job then it seems to subside pretty quickly. I also have ADD which I'm not receiving any medications for and I'm wondering if this is causing it.

It's a nasty feeling and I just want to lie down in my bed and not talk to anyone when I get it. I've been on venlafaxine/effexor for 2,5 months now and I feel much less anxious then before but I still get this same feeling. Does anyone have any experience with this and could give me some advice?

26-04-16, 15:26

27-04-16, 05:00
Hello Comstible,

I also get that spacey feeling where I feel off. Usually happens when I'm anxious or don't get enough sleep.

It's definitely related to anxiety. But I also share the fear of a brain tumour. Although it is harder said than done, you kind of just have to find a way to get your mind off of it when it does happen. I'm not on any meds and typically have strong bursts of anxiety usually related to my health. I find that if I ignore my symptoms they don't get worse and end up going away.