View Full Version : IF You Were Me.... What Would You Think?

23-04-16, 16:16
I've had a small lymph node in the side of my neck off and on since last fall. The only reason I know that is because I posted about it and so I checked to see how long it had bothered me. Maybe that should be my first clue...

It came back 3 weeks ago, right before I got a pretty bad case of strep throat. It's in the middle of my neck, half way down on my right side. It's still a little tender, but maybe because of how I've been sleeping, and because I have poked it too much...

I just had complete blood work done yesterday; white count, red count, lymphocytes, kidney and liver function, thyroid, cholesterol, all clear.

So, hence the title of my post... What would you do if you were me? Kind of a dumb question, particularly because we are all here because we obviously have some health and other anxieties. But for some reason I find is so much easier to be rational about other people, and I completely lose all rationality when it comes to me!! I should just let it go, because it hasn't grown bigger than 1cm, maybe a tiny bit bigger, I just got over the strep and a bad cold, and my blood work was 100% normal. Why is it that lymph nodes drive so many of us mad?! :huh:

23-04-16, 16:37
What would you do if you were me?

Absolutely nothing ;)

Positive thoughts

23-04-16, 18:06
think you answered your own question hun
try looking at it like someone else had posted what would your advice be to them
i know what you mean i can see other people worries logically but never my own x

23-04-16, 20:02
Since your blood work came back clear, you should do nothing else but believe you are totally healthy and TRUST your doctor!!! Many people have even a permanently swollen lymph node and are just fine! You are, too!! Believe it and stop worrying about it!

24-04-16, 01:00
Thank you all for the feedback - I do appreciate it! I've done some reading and prayer and cognitive exercises tonight and I'm calmer, at least. I've got to force myself to look at the rational things - I was recently sick, my blood work is normal, it's been there for months and has barely grown, only when I had strep throat recently, and I've been sleeping on a different pillow as my neck has been sore. All these things are reminders that I am ok, and I need to think positive so I don't cause myself undue stress and harm on my mental health, which can then affect me physically!

Thanks again! These are times I thankful for this forum because it's not all doom and gloom - we can help pick each other up too! ��