View Full Version : Extreme bloating..

08-03-07, 20:41
..feels like i have a balloon blown up in my stomach and its quite hard to get a deep breath, very uncomfortable.


09-03-07, 01:34
Hi Sarah

I too experience this and we are not alone:

Bloated Feeling:

I'm so bloated (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=15836)
Stomach really bloated (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=14862)
Bloated feeling, not butterflies or churning (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=926)
Bloated belly (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=15165)

Karen xx

09-03-07, 09:37
IBS maybe? I have it and my doc said it's a rare person that has Anxiety and doesn't have IBS.
Phill :) :)

09-03-07, 09:54
I agree with Phill, bloating is often down to IBS with anxiety. You can buy over the counter remedies to help. Also, loads of fibre - boring I know but it helps.

09-03-07, 14:35
Along with the bloating problem i have other symtoms (perhaps i should have mentioned) that point the finger at ovarian cancer, which is great. I have an appointment on the 20th of March, so ages yet.


09-03-07, 15:37
Hi Sarah,

I know how you feel hun. I very rarley get a day when I'm not Bloated tis very uncomfy and such a pain. I suffer with IBS to.

I drink a mixture from Culpepers which is called Digestive aid it has pepermint and fennel in etc.... I find this can help at times.

Other things that might help are peppermint tea peppermint massage oil dilute it with a carrier oil if neat and rub it on your tummy. Charcoal biscuits/tablets are also useful for bloating.

I have tried lots to sort mine out but haven't unfortunately. I think bloating is one of those mystery things!

Try not to worry about it being ovarian cancer I'm sure you will be just fine.

Take Care,:flowers:

Love Pip's X X

09-03-07, 16:24
could be cysts on your ovaries (very common).