View Full Version : Spasms/poking feeling right side abdomen, scared it's serious!

23-04-16, 19:11
I have had what feel like muscle spasms on the right side of my abdomen, they AREN'T painful but they are VERY uncomfortable. They started about a month ago in my abdomen and they are on and off but I get them daily, I tried to ignore them to begin with but they seem to have got worse over the last couple of weeks. I just had a horrible episode that lasted for about half an hour. It feels like a spasm or like a poking feeling. It could almost feel like a baby kicking (but it definitely isn't! I know it's not) It's on the right side only in line with my belly button but a couple of inches to the right of my belly button between my hip and rib cage.

I have also had what feel like muscle spasms or a poking sensation in my back between the spine and shoulder blade for about 8 months and now that feeling is constant, so I am freaking out now that they are linked and I am dying from some horrible illness.

I am 24 (female) I am agoraphobic/housebound.
I have tried heat and nurofen, I am taking magnesium and calcium to see if it makes any difference.
I have booked some physio at home to see if that helps with the back poking feeling but now that I am also getting what feels like spasms in my abdomen I am completely freaking out and I am fixated on the fact that it's something awful.

Has anyone had anything similar? I know I can't get a diagnosis on here but if anyone else has experienced this I would like to hear from you. Thank you

23-04-16, 19:36
Ah the kicking baby sensation - its nearly always caused by wind/gas in your bowels. I can also get muscle twitching in my abdomen that feels the same, just like you get a twitchy eyelidm just in a different place.

When its caused by gas i also get a sensation as if bubbles are popping or another way of describing it is as if someone is blowing air through a straw into water if you see what I mean. Its a fizzing sensation.

When its like the eyelid twitch thats the most weird sensation but is not accompanied by any bowel symptoms.

23-04-16, 20:04
Thank you for your reply :)

Yes I have been having the kind of bubble popping feeling too or I was going to describe it as almost something exploding/popping. It kind of feels like someone is poking me too. I've had it for weeks though daily and along with the similar poking feelings in my upper back so have been freaking out. Hopefully it could just be gas. What did you do to relieve your's ?

I really hope it is just as simple as that.

23-04-16, 22:05
Mine comes and goes - will have it for a few weeks on and off then it goes again. Probably related to what I am eating. Do you keep a food diary?

You can try over the counter medication like Windeze from chemist or colofac for ibs to calm the bowel.

Def keep off the fizzy drinks of any kind even sparkling water as these fill you up with gas.

As always anxiety also fills you up with gas!

23-04-16, 22:54
No I don't keep a food diary it may be a good idea to do so.

I have some Silicolgel which I have taken but it hasn't helped at all with the spasm feelings.

I don't drink any fizzy drinks, I only drink water and I eat pretty healthy too so am not sure what's going on, unless it's muscular as I have had a lot of muscular problems recently with my back.

24-04-16, 02:38
sounds like twitching. by product of anxiety.