View Full Version : It won't stop

23-04-16, 21:35
I can't cope anymore with this. These chest pains are starting to control my life. Its non stop pain and non stop thoughts of heart attack or something sinister . Its always worse case scenario from the minute I wake up to when I fall asleep its constant. Ive had tests done like stress test and holter and numerous ecgs most recent ecg was Wednesday and everything was normal but I can't stop thinking it heart related and im going to die . I can't cope im in tears over this.

23-04-16, 21:38
Are you in therapy/taking medication?

23-04-16, 21:39
I can't cope anymore with this. These chest pains are starting to control my life. Its non stop pain and non stop thoughts of heart attack or something sinister . Its always worse case scenario from the minute I wake up to when I fall asleep its constant. Ive had tests done like stress test and holter and numerous ecgs most recent ecg was Wednesday and everything was normal but I can't stop thinking it heart related and im going to die . I can't cope im in tears over this.

Hi Ella,
Sending big hugs! You sound like your right in the middle of a vicious anxiety cycle :( it's great news that all of your tests have come back positive but I know how hard it is to believe everything is fine when your in so much pain and worry. Rest assured though, you ARE fine, chest pain is a classic & common anxiety symptom and your tests have come back brilliant. Try and take some deep breaths and try and believe your doctors although I know how hard that is to do.

23-04-16, 22:13
Ella32 Im in the middle of a vicious cycle as well although with me its cancer (bowel, pancreas, gallbladder) as im having abdominal pains and diarrhea/changing bowel habits. Last week though an overlap happened - i was stressing out so much for a week that i started having terrible chest pains in the middle of the night...i couldnt breathe and chest pain became unbearable. I've never experienced anything like it before. Therefore this was it. I thought of my mom and my family who live in another country and how im never going to see them again. I gathered just enough strength to call an ambulance...
Spent a day in the hospital, they took my blood twice and did an EKG and everything was fine. Took me a couple of days to fully grasp everything. It was the worst day of my life.
Now, a week later I cant believe that I actually worked myself up so much regarding an imminent heart attack. My cancer fears are back in full force as i still have strange pains in my abdomen and i dont even think about my heart anymore.

23-04-16, 22:26
Im in the middle of cbt but its slow going. I just can't grasp that physically heart is fine and these chest pains aren't heart related. Its a constant cycle of fear. My mind is exhausted from it. Some nights I don't sleep because im afraid I won't wake up. X

23-04-16, 22:46
This evening I lost it completely due to left shoulder pain.

Convinced I was having a heart attack and DH wouldn't take me to A&E because he said I was fine and it was anxiety. I have been tense and holding my arm funny, plus I've had it off and on for so long with anxiety.

I ended up texting my mum, telling her my lovely husband wouldn't get me medical help and then I called a family friend... cue him coming over to try to calm me down. I accused them all of wanting me to die because they wouldn't let me have a heart attack if they loved me.

I was going mad, sobbing uncontrollably and threatening to drive myself to hospital.

I have NEVER, ever acted this way before. I am mortified. They were all lovely about it but I don't know what came over me. Accusing my own mother and husband of trying to kill me? I have scared myself by my reaction. I know logically that I didn't need to go as I would have called 999 myself.

It took them a long time to convince me that if they were at all worried about my health they would be the first to take me in. They all know me really know and can tell when I'm anxious and when I need medical help.

I had two hours of calm, the pain has came back again... I'm worrying badly.

You are not alone. We can cry together.

24-04-16, 00:15
This evening I lost it completely due to left shoulder pain.

Convinced I was having a heart attack and DH wouldn't take me to A&E because he said I was fine and it was anxiety. I have been tense and holding my arm funny, plus I've had it off and on for so long with anxiety.

I ended up texting my mum, telling her my lovely husband wouldn't get me medical help and then I called a family friend... cue him coming over to try to calm me down. I accused them all of wanting me to die because they wouldn't let me have a heart attack if they loved me.

I was going mad, sobbing uncontrollably and threatening to drive myself to hospital.

I have NEVER, ever acted this way before. I am mortified. They were all lovely about it but I don't know what came over me. Accusing my own mother and husband of trying to kill me? I have scared myself by my reaction. I know logically that I didn't need to go as I would have called 999 myself.

It took them a long time to convince me that if they were at all worried about my health they would be the first to take me in. They all know me really know and can tell when I'm anxious and when I need medical help.

I had two hours of calm, the pain has came back again... I'm worrying badly.

You are not alone. We can cry together.

I've been here before so i can completely understand how you feel, it's dreadful just how powerful it can be and even though somewhere inside us we know it is anxiety we just cannot shake the what if thought, i have done some pretty similar things and thankfully i have a supportive partner too. It really can be so overwhelming