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View Full Version : Red sore patch on roof of mouth. Scared stiff.

23-04-16, 22:20
Does anyone get this? Last night I went out and was drinking, got overly tipsy, this morning the roof of my mouth was really hurting and hasn't stopped all day so plucked up courage to have a look. There's a largish red patch which is very sore, husband said you can get this from drinking alcohol as your mouth is dehydrated. Iv not burnt my mouth in anyway. I have a strong cancer fear and to me it looks just like some cancer pics iv seen from within mouths. Please help me. :weep:

24-04-16, 00:39
Cancer is my biggest fear, too! I can totally understand how you feel! There were so many times I was scared I had mouth cancer, that I have lost count.I know how overwhelming and scary it can be...but, honey, cancer doesn't develop overnight nor does it hurt! The worst case scenario is that it is some kind of a minor infection...If it doesnt get better in a week or so, just visit your GP or dentist to prescribe some antibiotic cream, and please stop worrying about cancer! Hugs and kisses <3