View Full Version : Need some perspective

24-04-16, 01:32
Hi everyone,

Thank you so much in advance for any help you can provide and apologies if this is repetitive.

I am a sufferer of pretty bad anxiety and panic for the last 5 years or so, although the 'severe' parts have come and gone and I was doing alright until recently. But my anxiety has often manifested itself physically.

About a month ago I had just come off a bad cold/flu thing and noticed I had a slight wheeze and cough, (although the cold I had had no cough) as well as some tightness now and then that made it difficult to take a full breath. I wasn't too worried at first but made a couple trips to clinic where I was given an inhaler after doctors said it was likely irritation from the cold. After a few days I went to the ER when things weren't better.

At the ER I got blood taken and a chest X-ray. I was told it was all good and to just continue with puffer.

Still it didn't get that much better, in fact I'd say it was worse and was starting to feel unwell but again, could feasibly be a result of anxiety.

Saw two other doctors who looked at the results from the ER, listened to breathing, and told me to continue with inhaler, although I was also told to get an ECG which I hope to have in the next couple days.

Now here's what I can't get over-- because I continue to feel so crappy, almost worse, I've convinced myself that the blood test results and chest x-ray results were mixed up or incorrect at the hospital. I want to give myself the comfort of thinking 'the results were good', but I'm almost convinced something happened and the 'real' results aren't known. I'm worried that the other doctors seemed to go off those results instead of doing a new chest Xray or something. I know it's illogical but because of this I just keep imagining new things that could be wrong with me.

I've thought of the possibility this could ALL be a result anxiety (hyperventilation maybe), but I've never had anything like this and just can't seem to make myself feel better. It's extremely difficult to not panic when your ability to breathe has changed. ANY help you could provide would be amazing, thank you!