View Full Version : Mouth cancer

24-04-16, 08:53
Me again guys sorry

Im freaking out.

So since thurs/fri ive had a sorta pain/discomfort under my tounge, was at the dentist on friday, he took an xray of lower right side of mouth but said he could see no infection. Im in a panic that its the big C, rational side of my brain says its most likely an ulcer in an akward place. Ive looked in the mirror and cant really see anything, a few red bumps and a few white ones, ive felt under my tongue but dont feel anything hard, all soft.

Think also as i have an endoscope tomorrow im panicking about everything :( I have a dr appt on fri so going to ask his advice bit in my head its a long way between then and now :(

24-04-16, 12:12
Hi mate

Had the same pain loads of times i think i nip my tongue on my teeth or strain it .

If the dentist cant see anything there its fine , dentists are trained in oral health more than Dr,s mine told me .

24-04-16, 13:59
Thabks, of course sodding google has a lot to answer for aswell (been suffering earache, jawache and headache aswell) Also a night grinder and know ive been tensing my jaw a lot recently (GA and HA have been at an all time high) so rationally i know its most likely ulcer/musculer but of course that gets stomped out by HA..... Never ending cycle just now :/

24-04-16, 19:38
If your dentist said its nothing then you can pretty much believe it because many times a doctor will send you to a dentist when he is in doubt because dentist are suppose to know mouth cancers, so I am pretty sure you are ok. Hope you feel better soon.

24-04-16, 19:43
Thanks. Im just para as anxiety keeps telling me he didnt check under your tongue but just argh with it all

24-04-16, 20:08
You are so much like me. I always wonder if they are thorough and have checked everything but they are. Its just we have to trust that they have and try to forget about it. Take care hope you feel better.

24-04-16, 20:17
Yup i had bloods done at the end of feb and they were all clear aswell so keep tellin myself to calm down all the aches are from anxiety. Getting pains in my ears so minds in overdrive :( roll on fri when i see my dr

25-04-16, 16:55
Ok and now something new, lump in my tongue??!!

I have had my tongue pierced for nearly 8 years and had to take it out for a edoscopy today. Only thing is its just to the right of the piercing sight and a bit tender.

Been reading (i know i shouldnt have) and now freaking out a bit :(

---------- Post added at 16:55 ---------- Previous post was at 16:54 ----------

Also getting a numb/pin and needles type sensation all round my mouth. Panicking :(

25-04-16, 17:11
You just had a procedure done and they wore poking around your mouth and throat. You're bound to be a little irritated. You got an all clear from a dentist and x-rays showed nothing so..... stop googling!

Positive thoughts

25-04-16, 17:34
I know i shouldnt be allowed lol got dr on fri so get him to have a look when i see him. Im just still an anxioys mess :( dosent help matters at all!!