View Full Version : I can't stop worrying about the same thing.

24-04-16, 09:39

So this may sound silly, well I think it does anyway.

My girlfriend works on Saturday nights, we don't live in the most savoury of towns. I normally leave her to when she goes to work as I go home at the same time as I don't really have anything else to do being a student and it being a Saturday. When ever I leave her I get worried that something is going to happen, I have a hard time trusting people. I do trust her but I am worried that something will happen to her as like I said we don't live in the best place in the world a lot of assaults and drunks on a Saturday night.

How would you suggest that I deal with this worry, personally I think it's silly as it's been happening since June last year every Saturday I just worry about the same thing.


24-04-16, 12:58
My wife walks a lot around the town we live in. It's a nice area but still, I know what you mean. I bought her some pepper spray to carry in her purse just in case because you never know. Just a thought but at least you'll know she can defend herself.

Positive thoughts

24-04-16, 16:27
Hi , even people without anxiety worry about their loved ones it's just a natural instinct to protect its just we go a bit to far imagining the worst , I do it with my partner and my daughters , my partner when for a walk with a neighbour a few nights ago she's an alcoholic and turned up late so it was dark when they went out I held out for an hour and a half before I text to see if she was ok and she turned up 3 mins after I sent to text they nipped in a pub for a chat really annoyed me that I caved in , we can't look after them all the time and worrying about them just drives us mad , take care chap and try not to smother her she won't apreaciate it