View Full Version : Asthma like symptoms

24-04-16, 09:47
Hi does anyone experience asthmatic like symptoms? I dont have asthma and i dont know how asthma attack is but lately ive been feeling out of breath and feels like i need to cough because i have tickling in my throat.i find that smetimes even when i speak i get out of breath and needs to grasp for air..does anybody have same thing as mine.? Thankyou for reading

24-04-16, 15:05

24-04-16, 15:38
I've actually had a similar thing over the last month and just posted about it yesterday actually ... Feels like slight wheezing, irritation in throat and chest. I've thought it was asthma, or an irritation but inhalers don't seem to help and tests don't show anything. I've definitely had breathing issues with anxiety before but not to this extent. I've found the wheezing and cough feel worse after exertion.

One of the worrying symptoms I've had with this is the inability to take a full breath.

After weeks of trying to figure it out, I've found that one possibility is hyperventilation-- really bad breathing because of anxiety, for too long, can perhaps result in something like this, but again, it's hard to deal with and ignore.

24-04-16, 22:06
Thankyou lamour i noticed also that upon excertion i can feel that its worst, and off course if i have high anxiety i never had this symptom before, it started with a sore upper back and chest pain a few days ago and now i had this kind of chesty cough and shortness of breath.

24-04-16, 22:52
I've found that really putting an effort into breathing *better* has helped a bit... so try breathing into your stomach (through your nose at first, until you get a good hang of it), slowly, instead of your chest... let that fill up, then let it go to your chest, then when full hold for a few moments and slowly exhale. If you can try and keep doing this slow breathing (I find it's good at night when I get into bed to try it), it could really help you. I definitely realized when I started doing that how quickly I was otherwise breathing, without noticing it.

But of course it could be worth a visit to your doctor just to see if they 'hear' anything or whatever. My problem is that I've gone for tests but I'm in the anxious stage where I don't believe the results!