View Full Version : Nervous for tomorrow

24-04-16, 15:56
Hi guys me again

I have posted in the endoscopy sub forum but no response.

I have mine tomorrow and getting VERY aggitated about it. I dont want to be sedated (have a fear of this kind of thing and generals (i know they arent the same)) How uncomfortable is it with just the local?? Im also scared about what theyll find (as youll have seen massive HA about the big c just now) so think i also want to be awake so i know everything he sees/finds/says, if anything.

Scope is being done due to recurrent reflux & indigestion,specialist dosent think theyll find anything but doing it to help reduce anxiety.

Thanks in advance

24-04-16, 17:30
Hi hun, I've never had one but I think it's important that you go through with this, not because I think there is anything wrong but from experience I know a lot of throat / reflux issues can be solely due to anxiety, so once you've had the procedure they might resolve themselves.
How you have the procedure is a personal choice, I'd opt for sedation but that's cause I'm of the view the less I feel the better, I've heard that swallowing the camera can be tricky, but after that it's painless, to be fair we don't feel our food and drink as it makes it way down there.
Good luck, you'll be fine and it will be an end to your worries about this.

24-04-16, 17:42
You'll be fine. If you're nervous just tell them and they'll give you something to calm your nerves. You'll be out during the procedure so you won't feel a thing. My wife just had that and a colonoscopy and she was fine. In fact, she was freakin' hilarious after she woke up from the drugs ~lol~ She's from Ecuador and has a Sofia Vergara accent. Imagine that all jacked up on drugs ~lol~ She was whacked! I could hear the nurses laughing at the station ~lol~ I wish I brought the video camera!

Positive thoughts

24-04-16, 19:45
Thanks guys. Just very anxious about it :( dosent help when my mouth feels tingly & achey like a mouth ulcer coming up :/ just a nightmare

24-04-16, 20:57
I have had it 3 times in the past due to hiatus hernia and each time I just asked for sedation and knew absolutely nothing about the proceedure till it was over.

I have a friend who has it done without sedation ( she has barratts oesphagus and has one every 6 months) because she wants to be in and out fast but says it is unpleasant experience without any sedation.

They always tell you what they have or haven't found before you leave the hospital.

24-04-16, 21:19
Thanks country girl that makes me feel a bit better x

25-04-16, 05:25
What a coincidence! I have an endoscopy tomorrow too! I have to have it because I have iron deficiency and a bunch of stomach issues and discomfort. I'm really nervous too. I had a colonoscopy last week and it went fine. They gave me propofol and I was out within 2 seconds and the next thing I knew I was waking up and they were telling me everything was okay.

Despite having the sedation last week, I'm still nervous to go through it again. And nervous with what they will find. I asked them last week if they would do very light sedation so I would still know what's going on, but they said no. So I'm sure they'll say no again tomorrow. :mad:

I am sure you'll be just fine though. Let us know how you make out!!

25-04-16, 16:51
Hi Guys update, in and out no bother, was sedated but dont know if it helped or not, was just one big long gagging fest!! But anyhow all looks normal and took a sample for h pylori (was negative in feb so not bothered about that to much).

Hope you got on ok Patsycakes xx